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3/10/2011 FINANCE COMMITTEE Minutes
3/10/2011 FINANCE COMMITTEE Minutes
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NEW BUSINESS <br /> No new business. <br /> OLD BUSINESS <br /> 1. Invitation Letter to Local state Representatives—Christopher Arris <br /> Oskar Klenert asked for an update on the invitation letter to the state reps and other local <br /> officials.. Christopher Avis stated that Messers Hunt, Keating, Vieira, and Wolf will be invited t <br /> attend a Finance Comma tee meeting with an open-ended agenda, to include discussions on <br /> CPA funding, opiates, and senior funding, with a request to respond with suggested dates they <br /> would be available to attend such a meeting. <br /> Oskar Klenert commented that the Cape has both state and local government representatives, <br /> but the local representatives are those who can best speak to our local needs, and should be <br /> the ones to contact first. If there are issues that require discussions at the federal level, then it <br /> would be more appropriate to go to Washington to meet With our representatives, rather than <br /> ask them to travel to the Cape for a meeting. Oskar Klenert added that meeting with both state <br /> and federal representatives at the same time would be too much for one session. <br /> Christopher Avis stated that he will email the draft letter to all the committee members for their . <br /> review, with comments and finalization to be scheduled for the next Finance Committee <br /> meeting. <br /> . The Finance Committee Annual Report—Charles Gasior <br /> Joyce Mason stated that the printer as of today picked up the copy for the annual report and will, <br /> begin working on setting the print this week, so that any changes should be made within the <br /> next few days. Mr. Gasior suggested that the committee members review the report and be <br /> prepared to approve it at the Finance Committee/ Board of Selectmen meeting on Monday, <br /> , <br /> March 14th. ` <br /> . Review/Approval of Town Manager's 2012 Budget—Charles Gasior <br /> Mr. Gasior stated that the line items not approved at the Finance Committee meeting on 2/24/11 <br /> would now be reviewed for approval. <br /> General Government <br /> Board of Selectmen/Office of Town Manager—$361,757. <br /> Discussion followed regarding the re-funding of$85,553 for the Assistant Town Manager <br /> position which has been vacant for the past year. <br /> Joyce Mason stated her feeling that the town is running on borrowed time, that it is a matter of <br /> time before something falls through the cracks. We are not moving forward on major projects; <br /> there is a committee looking for some guidance and support from the Selectmen's office that <br /> they are unable to provide; there is a local comprehensive plan that is in need of direction; we <br /> have a huge sewer project corning up. Joyce stated that the office staff is keeping up, but they <br /> are not focusing on major projects that need attention. <br /> T <br /> William Johnson asked the question as to whether the town is out of the woods yet regarding <br /> the economic recovery. Mr. Johnson stated that he feels we are not, and is concerned about <br /> funding new positions now, should there be another downturn in the economy. Joyce Mason <br /> replied that her budget is recommending setting aside funds available today for unforeseen <br /> needs in PY 01 . <br /> 2 <br />
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