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' 1 <br /> w <br /> George Schmidt, Clerk, Christopher Avis, Mark. Davini, William Johnson, and Robert Chalker, the <br /> members of the Finance Committee." <br /> P resentation of Proposed FY1 2 Budget—Charles Ga i or <br /> Charles Gasior stated that in the Town of Mashpee, the Executive level of government is the Board <br /> of Selectmen and the Town Manager, and in the Open Town Meeting form of government, the <br /> Legislative branch of government is compfis d of all the taxpayers in the town. Therefore, the <br /> people who come to the town meeting are, in effect, exercising their right as the legislative branch <br /> of our government. This represents the purest form of d ernocra y. If is incumbent on the residents <br /> to learn what is happening in their municipalities. The Charter requires that the Finance <br /> Committee review all warrant articles in the budget and male recommendations to the legislature <br /> branch of the government. The way this is accomplished is that a week before the Town !Meeting, <br /> a booklet containing the Finance Committee report with recommendations on all the warrant <br /> articles that will be discussed at Town Meeting will be mailed to all town residents for their review. <br /> Mr. Gasior explained that the first section of the booklet will contain the Finance Committee's <br /> recommendations on all the budget line iters that are going to be discussed at the May 2nd Town <br /> Meeting. The Moderator at the Town Meeting will be explaining the information in the middle <br /> section of the booklet. The principal business of the May Town Meting is the municipal budget for <br /> the fiscal year 2012 which begins on July 1, 2011 and ends on June 30, 2012. Mr. Gasior <br /> explained that the Moderator will be going through the budget, giving a line by line description of all <br /> the elements included in the rnunicipal'budget. The Finance Committee has prepared a one-page <br /> summary table titled,"Summary of FY 2012 Municipal Appropriations ire Town Manager's Budget". <br /> Mr. Gasior stated-that the line l#ern under General Expenses, Interest & Principal on Debt, reflects <br /> an increase of$402,375 in total dela payment for the town in FY 2012 due to the library debt which <br /> the town has assured. Mr. Gasior commented on the debt schedule for the town, stating that in <br /> 2018 the high school debt will be paid off, and in the year 2028 the debt will be down to $425,675. <br /> Mr. Gasior noted that at this point in time there is no other future debt of any magnitude anticipated <br /> until and unless the town gets to the point of undertaking the sewer project. <br /> Mr. Gasior stated that one of the requirements of the charter for the Finance Committee is to <br /> project the tax rate ars a result of the proposed budget for the corning fiscal year. The budget will <br /> not go into effect until July 1, and the tax rate will not,be set until December of the year, making it a <br /> difficult task. The com mitt a m' u t take the budget and offset that with-the non-property to <br /> revenues including state revenues, municipal receipts, the use of surplus funds and uses of other <br /> funds such as the Community Preservation fund. The difference between the budget amount and <br /> the non-property tax revenues represents the amount to be raised by taxation. This year the'total <br /> of the budget to be presented to the Town Meeting is $49,910,640,,or an increase of 3.2% over <br /> last year, which will be offset by $12,169,939,-resulting in an amount of$37,740,701 to be raised by <br /> takes. After talking with the Town Assessor, the Committee anticipates that the property values <br /> will decline by another 4%this year, resulting in a projected tax rate for FY 2012 of$8.83 per <br /> thousand, or an increase of 46 cents. <br /> Mr. Gasior reviewed for the meeting each line item included in the Summary mary c Y 2012 Municipal <br /> Appropriations in Town Managers budget, stating that there were two line items yet to be finalized <br /> by the Finance Committee tonight: 1 the Town Managers budget and 2 the school Department <br /> budget. <br /> Jonathan Leavitt of 3 Par Three court, introduced himself to the Committee, and asked how the <br /> 3.2% increase in the 2012 budget will be covered. Joyce Mason replied that the town is using $1.5 <br /> 2 <br />