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{ <br /> 4 <br /> SCHOOL AI —special Needs: Oskar Klenert asked, and the committee agreed, that the <br /> primary question to be askedf the elected officials is, "Where is the money? What is the <br /> financial resource in the towns to pay for these needs'?" Special feeds students are shipped. <br /> out of Mashpee, which represents a big expense to rn. The issue to the legislators <br /> .should be that we spend millions of dollars on special needs students to the age of 18 years of <br /> age, and then they are out of the picture, ending up being homeless and a financial burden to <br /> the stag. <br /> GROUND D WATEF PROTECTION: The question to be asked of the elected officials is ho' w to <br /> pay for waste grater treatment projects for Cape Cod. <br /> PENSION AND MEDICAL COSTS: Medical insurance in Massachusefts is mandatory; the <br /> questioner as asked how people.can afford to pay for it? <br /> ELDERLY SERVICES: Oskar' Klenert awarded kudos to Charles Gasior on his presentation to <br /> the Mashpee Men's Club, which generated many questions and answers on elderly services in <br /> Mashpee. The committee agreed that Mashpee has a huge elderly population, and that there i <br /> a need for elderly assistance programs. Bob Chalker reported on ars article recently published <br /> which stated that Mashpee has the highest rate of elderly poverty on the Cape, with regard to <br /> income. <br /> Mark Davini summed up the conversation by reminding the committee that Cape Cod tourism is <br /> a state asset, and that the elected officials need to be reminded of this. <br /> The committee decided that formulation of several questions on the sic topics to be addressed <br /> to the elected officials should be assigned to each committee member, as follows: <br /> CIA +Christopher Arris <br /> Ground Water Protection —Oskar i lenert <br /> Mate Aid and Opiates— Bob Chalker , <br /> School Aid/Special Needs— Mark Davini <br /> Pension & Medical—Charles Gasior <br /> Elderly Services -George Schmidt <br /> Oskar Klenert stated that the committee members' questions should be emailed to hire before <br /> the Town Meeting on May 2, 2011. Oskar will then email the questions to the elected officials <br /> for their review. <br /> APPROVAL of MINUTES of 111 <br /> Mark Davina made.a motion that the committee approve the minutes from the meeting of <br /> 3/2411 .. Oskar Klenert seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved. <br /> ADJOURNMENT <br /> As there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at :00 1='M. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> lna �, lobohrn <br /> Recording Secretary <br /> 2 <br />