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Mark Davini made a motion that the Committee approve the slate as presented, in one vote. Robert <br /> Chalker seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved. <br /> [fir. Klenert asked that the committee members vote on approval of the following slate: <br /> Christopher Avis, chairman; Charles Gasior, Vice Chairman; Mark Davini, Clerk. The committee <br /> voted unanimously to approve the new slate of officers. <br /> Oskar Klenert turned the meeting over to Chairman chr* p <br /> st her Avis. <br /> . Request Transfer—Joyce Mason <br /> Joyce Mason requested a transfer of$14,000 from the Finance corn miftee Reserve Account to the IT <br /> Department to be split within that department between salaries and expense. Joyce stated that the <br /> purpose of the request was to cover the-overtime hours expended by the IT Department staff over the <br /> Easter weekend and many days following, when the Town's entire computer system was hit by a virus <br /> and knocked out. There was expense involved to cover some Microsoft on line services ($1000). <br /> One consultant was required to assist with the re-installation and running coo , and another$750 <br /> was spent on a much-needed upgrade of a piece of equipment to prevent this problem from <br /> happening again. Joyce stated that she has filed claims with the insurance company to cover- <br /> $14,000 of the expense involved in the "crash and burn" episode. <br /> Oskar Klenert made a motion to transfer up to $14,000 from the Finance Committee Reserve erve Account <br /> to the IT Dept. Expense/Salary account to cover the overtime hours and the added expenses involved <br /> in the repair and upgrade of the Town's computers as required. Mark Davini seconded the motion. <br /> The motion was unanimously approved. <br /> 3. Review enda and Pre ared Questions for the,J u no 9. 2011 <br /> Oscar Klenert stated that ell Finance Com miftee members had submitted their questions for the June <br /> 9th meeting, and copies of all questions submitted were distributed to the committee. Christopher Avis <br /> recommended that the members review the questions and revert back to him via email with any <br /> changes recommended. Topics on the questions submitted were as follows: <br /> CPD—Chris Avis <br /> Employee Medical insurance costs^Charles Gasior <br /> Special Education--Mark Davini <br /> Local Aid— Robert Ghali er <br /> Opiates— Bob Chalker <br /> Fiscal Transparency—Oskar Klenert <br /> Seniors/Water Issues—George Schmidt <br /> Beach Erosion —Oskar Klenert <br /> Finalized questions will be forwarded to Joyce Mason for her review and approval. <br /> Christopher Arris stated that he has a n unavoidable conflict with the June 9"', meeting date, and will <br /> be unable to affend. Mr. Avis will request that Charles Gasior,Vice Chairman, will act as Chairman <br /> for the meeting. <br /> 4, June SP Meeting Forrn t <br /> The meeting will be held in the Selectmen's conference Room 1. The committee agreed that a <br /> moderator would be advisable, and Michael Richardson agreed to contact' Jeremy carter to determine <br /> his availability. Meeting time is estimated to be 1 '2 hogs. <br /> Robert Chalker has the information on committee assignments for each of the representatives. It was <br /> recommended that relevant questions be directed to the representative responsible for his particular <br /> area of responsibility, <br /> 2 <br />