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6/9/2011 FINANCE COMMITTEE Minutes
6/9/2011 FINANCE COMMITTEE Minutes
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Y <br /> Charles G sl r: a Mashpee resident for 9 years; Finance Committee member for 7 years; <br /> Chemical Engineering degree and Masters in Public Administration, spending 30 years in <br /> municipal government; served as a commissioner on the Mashpee Charter Commission. <br /> . Initial Impressions from the Newly Elected state Representatives <br /> Dan Wolf. IIIb. Wolf thanked the committee members for their service as volunteers <br /> recognizing that their efforts are what keep the Town going. Mr. Wolf stated that it has been a <br /> totally humbling experience for him, an honor, a pleasure and a privilege, to serve as a State <br /> Senator. The legislature process is very leadership-controlled, and as newcomers, he, randy, <br /> and David will need to earn the respect of others by proving their credentials and their <br /> credibility. Mr. Wolf stated that they have formed some collaborative relationships with common <br /> goals and values that will serve Mashpee and the rest of the District well. Dan stated that he <br /> Inas been appointed to serve on eight legislative committees. <br /> Randy Hunt IIIb. Hunt stated that his first big surprise as being Rep.e . was the 200 <br /> emalls he receives every day. Mr. Dunt echoed Mr. Wolf s feeling that it is a privilege and ars <br /> honor to be serving in the state louse of Representatives. There is such an overwhelming <br /> majority of democrats in the State }douse that there is no vying for power, and they have been <br /> able to accomplish a number of things, and,were able to get a budget through without tai <br /> increases. Nor. Hunt noted that he has lived in Sandwich since 1998, serving on the Finance <br /> Committee in 2001, and in 2004 was elected to the Board of Selectmen, serving 6 years. Mr. <br /> Fount is a CPA since 1983, and continues to maintain his private practice. <br /> David leira. Mr. Vieira stated that he is continuing to serve as Town Moderator for Falmouth <br /> and is a.- Director of the state Moderators Association, which enables him to stay in touch with <br /> w a isppening in our cities and towns. Mr. Vieira spoke about oca ai , stating a non- <br /> discretionary local aid has decreased 7.2%. Traditionally, $200,000,000 in funds is in an <br /> account that has not been spent, which reverts back to the state coffers at the end of the fiscal <br /> year. For every dollar returned, the House has asked for 50 cents to go back to the cities and <br /> towns for local aid to be gapped at a total of$65 ,million state wide. Mr. Vieira stated that if-the <br /> state can get the traditional return they expect to see at the end of this fiscal year he hopes to <br /> be able to restore local aid to its level from the last fiscal year to the next fiscal year. <br /> Mr. Vieira stated that the % state tax is necessary to avoid a state budget gasp. The Senate <br /> this afternoon passed a bill that talks about a sunset Clause for every state agency which would <br /> require each agency to prove the necessity for its existence. If the bill is implemented, the state <br /> will_be going through some soul searching to figure out what it should be doing and how It could <br /> be doing it better, to determine the appropriate size and role of the state government, all of <br /> which should result in some cost savings. IIIb. Vieira stated that his goal for MA. is to maintain <br /> the % tax rule to enable the state to maintain a balanced budget. <br /> QUESTIONS To THE GUESTS <br /> uesti 1 (Mark I avi i : ""Acknowledging that the state does provide limited financial <br /> assistance to the municipalities for educational services for Special Education students and <br /> associated transportation, are there any plans by the state legislature to expand state aid or <br /> contain the disproportionate financial burden on the individual school departments and their <br /> municipalities? <br /> 2 <br />
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