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(FinCom Budget Review standards, ont'd <br /> George Schmidt stated that there are two approaches to the proposed School Committee budget. <br /> one is a spreadsheet being completed by Dawn Thayer. Ms. Thayer is attempting to reconcile the <br /> school department budget request and what we might expect the numbers to look like in MUI` IS. <br /> Mr. Schmidt stated that he is expecting a large discrepancy between the two sets of numbers. <br /> The second approach is to ask a rhetorical question: why are all other departments able to submit <br /> level funded budgets, when the school Committee is egregiously not able to comply? George <br /> Schmidt stated that the individual departments should be examined as individual businesses; if all <br /> other town departments can manage their departments on a level funded basis why is the School <br /> Department unable to do so And while we are at it— are the taxpayers getting value for the <br /> amounts the town is spending? Mark Daviini stated that the $1.38 million increase in the school <br /> department budget request requires justification and validation. <br /> Charles Gaslor made a lotion that the Finance Committee invite the president of the School <br /> Committee and the Superintendent of Schools to attend the next Finance Committee meeting on <br /> February 9th1 2012, to justify the School Committee request for a $1.38 million increase in their F <br /> 2013 budget. Oskar Klenert seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved. <br /> Christopher Avis summarized the Finance Committee's budget review standards as follows: <br /> compare the Town Manager's recommended budget with each department's budget request, then <br /> meet with all department heads whose budget increases are in excess of the requested level- <br /> budgeting. <br /> ADDITIONAL TOPICS <br /> 1. Mailing Costs for the Town Meeting Warrant Articles <br /> Oskar Klenert stated his concern over the cost to the town of mailing the Town Meeting Articles t <br /> the town residents, a significant amount of which winds up in the trash. .Joyce Mason stated that <br /> the mailing of the Town Meeting warrants to all residents is a Town Charter requirement. <br /> Suggestions as to improving the interest level of town residents in reading the town Warrant report <br /> included introducing a glossy cover to the booklet, perhaps adding phone numbers to call below <br /> warrants that may raise questions, and publishing a Letter to the Editor in the Ilashpee Enterprise <br /> encouraging people to take an interest in reading the report. Christopher Avis asked that <br /> committee members come to the next meeting with suggestions for increasing the readership of <br /> the report, and improving the attendance at the Town Meeting. <br /> LD BUSINESS <br /> Liaison Reports. <br /> 'I. Capital Improvements Committee —Charles Gaslor <br /> Charles Gasior reported that the Capital Improvements Committee {CIC} members have met with <br /> the various department heads that have submitted capital improvement budget items, including the <br /> head of the school IT department. The CIC plans to meet again on Thursday, Feb. 2, to prioritize <br /> the projects that are being considered for funding. <br /> . Maintenance of Public Properties Committee—Charles Gasior <br /> Mr. Gasir reported on his attendance at a meeting with the Recycling Committee and DPW. Don <br /> Meyers attended the meeting and discussed a petition article he is submitting for the consideration <br /> f making the transfer station ars enterprise fund. <br /> The committee also discussed the sale of public property, and reviewed again the potential <br /> properties eligible for public auction. The idea was rased about having from two to four separate <br />