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Y t , <br /> a <br /> the last 5 years and M . Mason-is certain that there is going to be another prepayment. The fact is <br /> that ince increased last y ar's'lev l funded budget by $350,000; with prepayments of$500,QOO <br /> between tuition and transportation: the school is already ahead by $850,000 fr rn' last year's budget. <br /> Joyce Mason stated that at a budget review iarst year, the school mmitte was asked to take out <br /> the prepayment and show the real need, and added that the school committee numbers are false <br /> nurn bers., beca use of-their prepayments. George Schmidt stated that the increases in sa Ivry are <br /> overstated-by $300,000 as that amount was provided by.a grant in prior years, and asked Ms.- - <br /> Brardshaw the reasons she right have to explain why all other departments could remain level <br /> funded and the school Department was unabie to so do. Ms. Bradshaw had no comment. <br /> Ann Bradshaw responded that her numbers are n t.falso; they are real numbers as close-as the <br /> School Board can get. The variables that the s h of faced with are: Chapter 70 funds, <br /> State and Federal grants; school retirements, Torn revenues; changes in :nodical benefits. Ms. <br /> Bradshaw stated that adjustments in salaries and expenses will need to be :Wade within her <br /> preliminary budget. <br /> Discussion of prepay ensued.- Ann Bradshaw stated that the school commiftee does prepay some <br /> special education costs, out of district costs, transportation costs. Ms. Bradshaw stated that piepay <br /> is legal, it is a common practice in school districts, it is considered good financial management, and it <br /> saves teachers' positions. Ms. Bradsha 's position is that if the school committee prepays, they <br /> save staff; if they turn the excess funds back to the Torn, the school cuts more staff. <br /> Mark Davini proposed to Ms. Bradshaw that she approach her teaching staff to accept either no <br /> increase or ar decrease in proposed salary ral es in order to save jobs. Mark Davini also <br /> recommended that the remaining teachers on Master Medical Blue Cross Blue Shield change to a <br /> lesser cost pian and release resources that again will save jobs. <br /> Mr. Schmidt asked how :many teachers have been hired in the past 5 years. Ms. Bradshaw stated � <br /> that she would have to research that.' Mr. Schmidt asked f the layoffs presented in her chart how <br /> many were teachers. Ills. Bradshaw responded that she did not know. <br /> Kathy Stanley, Chairman of the School Committee, introduced herself to the Committee. Ms. Stanley <br /> stated that she has always locked at the practice of prepay as robbing Peter pay Paul, but had <br /> nothing further to say at this time about prepay. Ms,Stanley expressed her appreciation to the <br /> Finance Committee for the effort that has been rn_ d t arra <br /> - -.. ear heads around issue <br /> in order to settle the School Committee budget. Ills. Stanley started further that she fully understands <br /> that municipalities do not have excess money. <br /> Ms. Bradshaw indicated that she would find it difficult to cut her budget, Mr. Schmidt stated that the <br /> Town asked for a'level funded budget and she had come, in with a $1.3M increase'and that that was <br /> not a cut to her budget. <br /> oyce ll,llason requested that Committee provide her writ[ necessary details including <br /> teachers' salary schedules, transportation costa including their bids, and the reasons behind the <br /> requests for increases, in order to justify the request for budget increases.. All other departments <br /> have provided the Town Manager with these details, which are n qe sary in order-to rake a fair <br /> assessment of departmental reeds Ms. Bradshaw agreed to provide the Town Manager with all <br /> requested necessary details. Ann Bradshaw stated that she would be happy to meet further with the <br /> Finance Committee to answer any and all questions about the school budget. Mr. Schmidt <br /> concluded the questioning stating that while there have been some noteworthy achievements, there <br /> are some notable exceptions, including ars increased dropout rate; decreasing graduation rate and a <br /> rather poor performance on the latest MCAS exams. <br /> 2 <br />