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=r <br /> (school Committee Liaison Report,rt, nt'd <br /> additional proposal for possible cuts, including increases in student parking fees and athletic fees, <br /> and eliminating one school route bus. <br /> Mr. Schmidt and Mr. Avis offered a proposal which they feel the School Committee will accept. <br /> there will be no prepays in any future school budget, any money left in the budget at the end of the <br /> school year will be returned to the Town; there will be.a full school budget in the M NIS system on <br /> the Town Manager's schedule. George Schmidt stated that after looking over the budget, he and <br /> Christopher Arris are recommending an additional $343,287 or ar % increase over the T w' n <br /> Manager's recommended 1 o increase in the School Department budget- <br /> Robert <br /> udget_# bert Chalker expressed his thanks and appreciation to George Schmidt and Christopher Avis for <br /> meeting with Superintendent Ann Bradshaw and members of the School Committee. Mr. Chalker <br /> stated his disappointment that the Finance Committee is even considering,increasing the School <br /> budget by another$343,287 over and above the 1° increase already allotted by the Town <br /> Manager. In the last two years, there was money left over from the School budget that was not <br /> returned to the Town. Mr. Chalker stated his feeling that there is no reason to believe that there <br /> will not be money left over at the end of the coring school year. � <br /> Oskar Klenert made a motion that the Finance Committee recommend approval of the School <br /> budget of$18,746 in accordance with the Town Manager's School Committee budget. The motion <br /> was seconded by Charles Gasior. The committee voted as follows: Charles Gasior, yes; Oskar <br /> Klenert, yes, Mark Davwni, Yes; Chris Avis, no, George Schmidt, no, Robert Chalker, no- The <br /> motion was defeated. <br /> Robert Chalker made a motion than the Finance Committee recommend approval of the School <br /> budget of$18,560,430. There was no second to the motion. The motion was defeated. <br /> Christopher Avis made a motion that the Finance Committee recommend approval ofthe School <br /> budget of$18,917,683.90, a 2% increase over last year's school budget, with the understanding <br /> that any money left over at the end of the school year will be returned to the Town to be <br /> reappropriawted to the School, not to exceed $19,089,326, and to follow the MUNIS system with no <br /> prepays for F 2 13. George Schmidt seconded the motion. The committee voted as follows: <br /> Christopher Avis, yes; George Schmidt, yes; Charles Gasior, y s. Oskar Klenert, no; Marc Davini, <br /> no; Robert Chalker, no. The motion was defeated. <br /> Ma rk Davini rude a motion that the Finance Co m rn ittee reco r mend approval of a 1% increase in <br /> the School Budget over last year, with the understanding that there would be no pre-pays, the <br /> FY2014 school department budget would be submitted by line item by the Town Manager's <br /> requested budget slate, any money left over at the end of the school year, up to 3% or <br /> $19,089}826. would be returned to the Town, with the recommendation that the Finance <br /> Committee and the Board of selectmen approve return of the monies to the School Department in <br /> October 2013. Charles Gasior seconded the motion. The committee voted as follows: <br /> Christopher Avis, yes; 0 sp ar t lenert, yes; George S chmidt, yes; M a rk Davi yes; Charles Gasior, <br /> yes; Robert Chalker, no. The motion was approved. <br /> Charles Gasior thanked Jose Franco for his time and effort on behalf of the Finance Committee to <br /> comae to an agreement on the School Committee budget. <br /> 2 <br />