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6/21/2012 FINANCE COMMITTEE Minutes
6/21/2012 FINANCE COMMITTEE Minutes
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s <br /> (view Business Cont'd <br /> (3) George Schmidt made a motion that the Finance Committee approve the transfer of$6000 <br /> from the Police Patrolmen Salaries to the Dispatcher Overtire Wage. Oskar Klenert seconded the <br /> motion. The motion was unanimously approved. - <br /> The Finance Committee agreed that going forward, any transfer requests over$5000 should be <br /> accompanied by an explanation,for the request. <br /> Request for Transfer from the Reserve Fund <br /> The DPW is requesting a transfer of$7 3700 from the.Reserve Fund to the DPW Expense Fund, the <br /> amount requested to be used for replacement of a utility pole in Pickerel erel Corer Recreation Area. <br /> The DPW has stated that this expenditure is extraordinary acrd/or unforeseen for the following <br /> reasons: <br /> 1 the pole had deteriorated to the point where it was leaning on adjacent trees. <br /> 2 the electric line is active, providing electricity to residence on neighboring property. <br /> 3) DPW discovered a partially burned tree on lire so the pol had to be replaced immediately <br /> due to a fire hazard. <br /> 4) The need for the replacement or its urgency could not have been anticipated. <br /> Charles Gasior asked the question as to why the Town is responsible for the replacement of <br /> electricity service to a private home. Mr. Gasior stated that the Finance Committee needed an <br /> explanation of this, but he would recommend approval-of the transfer, pending further information. <br /> Torn M ayo stated that,the DP v would need to overspend on its budget if the Finance cornmiftee <br /> does not approve the budget transfer. <br /> In light of the fact that the DPW budget would be over-expended for the year, if this transfer <br /> request was notapproved, Charles Gasior made a motion that the Finance Committee approve the <br /> request-for transfer of ,700 from the Reserve Fuad to the DPW E cpense Fund, with the proviso <br /> that the Assistant Town Manager and/or DPW Director would provide the Finance Commi tee with <br /> a detailed explanation why the Town should be responsible for replacement of,ele tri ity service to <br /> a primate home. George Schmidt seconded the motion. The motion was-unanimously approved. <br /> • Solar Project at Landfill <br /> Torn May reported that the project is waiting for approval from NStar Electric before moving <br /> forward. <br /> • Committee Reorganization <br /> Christopher Avis stated that Marines London's term expires the end of Jure 201.2. Charles Gasior <br /> agreed to contact Mr. Condon to determine his intentions as to renewing his term on the <br /> committee. Robert Chalker is unsure of his availability to serve on the committee for another year. <br /> Chris Avis stated that Mark Davini may be leaving l la tepee# pending the sale of his home, but will <br /> continue to serve until the house is sold. <br /> Christopher Avis made the following Committee nominations for the corning fiscal year: <br /> George Schmidt, Chairman <br /> Charles Gasior, Vice Chairman <br /> Christopher Avis, Interim Clerk <br /> Oskar Klenert seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved. <br /> 2 <br />
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