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Bow of LIBRA ' TRUSTEES <br /> APRIL 23, 1996 <br /> PAGE TWO <br /> Iv COMMUNICATIONS: <br /> Notice of Library Legislative Day, April 24, 1996. Helene UePoe and <br /> Terri Hyde plan to attend. <br /> V OLD BUSINESS: <br /> A. Report on video Shelves: ' . Marsh advised that the video shelves had <br /> been installed. At the conclusion of the meeting, the trustees would <br /> receive a tour of the new video shelves. <br /> B9 Signage: Cheryl Hawer reported that she and Greg Taylor have been . <br /> unable to get together on the signage matter to date. Hopefully, they <br /> will get together next weed . <br /> C. Progress on front doors; Anton reported that by the next meeting, he <br /> should have something for the trustees to look at. Anton explained <br /> that there were three suppliers who had been recommended. one was in <br /> Randolph, one in Weymouth, and one on the ,cape. Anton will follow up <br /> on these sources. <br /> Cheryl will try to get some information, relative to who installed the <br /> doors in the Falmouth Town Hall and -will pass this information along <br /> - to Anton. <br /> D. Installer for carpeting: Mimi Marsh reported that she had called only <br /> one carpeting dealer. When they heard what was involved, they felt it <br /> would not be worth their t ire, <br /> E. Budget: Helene reported that she had stopped by the Selectments Office <br /> a couple of -weeks ago. The warrants had been printed, and Helene <br /> could see that the Selectmen and the Finance Committee have recommended <br /> the Library budget. <br /> VI NEW BUSINESS: <br /> A. Board letter to Robert Whritenour stating the board's desire to keep <br /> Helene De oe- reporting directly to the Board of Trustees. Mimi, Marsh <br /> indicated that the letter required the trustees , ignatures. <br /> A motion was presented by Dick Shaughnessy, Anton seconded the motion. <br /> All in favor. So moved, <br /> The letter was passed around for the trustees signatures. <br /> B. State Strategic Plan Letter: Helene explained that the Board of Library <br /> Commissioners were asking for assistance from boards of trustees, Friends <br /> of the Library, private citizens expressing support for the statestra- <br /> tegic plan. They have altered their plan to some extent to do a phase-in <br /> of the eight million dollars that they needed. It became obvious that <br /> they were not going to receive that amount in one shoto So, they are <br /> going to do it over a three year plan. What this will mean to all Of the <br /> libraries is they are going to meed to upgrade telecommunications so that <br /> all of the library networks can connect- to each other. <br />