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BOARD of LIBRARY TRUSTEES <br /> AUGUST 13s 19964 <br /> PAGE TWO <br /> IV OMM MICATI OI S: <br /> None, <br /> V OLD BUSINESS: <br /> A. The library's invitation from the optimun Care Center: Mimi Marsh <br /> explained that the representatives of the optimum Care Center in <br /> iashpee had treated thea as very honored guests. They were hospitable, <br /> they were very caring. They were interested in the library representa- <br /> tives. Mimi suggested that the Library trustees_ should discuss doing <br /> something in, return for thein. Mimi suggested the possibility that the <br /> center would support a book cart for the library to take a day week. <br /> They were very desirous to become a part of the Mashpee community. <br /> Helene explained that the optimum Care Center had. invited the Chamber <br /> of Commerce people for lunch to introduce themselves to the people in <br /> the community, etc. The library personnel could not do lunch because <br /> f the library hours. So, the library was invited for breakfast which <br /> was l vely. They also presented the library personnel with little mugs <br /> with their names, and took thea fora tour of the facility. <br /> Where they saw where tine library could assist them, was perhaps w <br /> might have volunteers who would be willing to go over and read to some <br /> of the residents. Perhaps some of the residents could make, arrange- <br /> ments to borrow-materials from the library. <br /> They saw that perhaps there were things that they could do for the <br /> library. Helene had observed the size of their dining room was <br /> approximately three times the size of the library meeting room. <br /> Helene could see this being a positive possibility if the library <br /> should meed a larger space for a library function, <br /> i Mimi suggested that the library trustees :come up with some suggestions <br /> that we could do. in return for the Optimum Care Center, <br /> VII ADJOURNMENT: <br /> Having no further business before them, the meeting adjourned at 8:00 <br /> P, M. <br /> NEXT MEETING; TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER lo, 1996; 7 P. M. , LIBRARY. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> 5 <br /> Barbara Gannon <br /> Board Secretary <br />