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BOARD OF LI-BRARY TRUSTEES <br /> 2/10/98 <br /> PAGE THREE <br /> III OLD BUSINESS : <br /> . <br /> E. - Newsletter : . Mini suggested that this can wait , David pre- <br /> sented a copy of, the Marstons Mills Library quarterly News- <br /> letter for the trustees review,, Trustees were very impressed . <br /> Helene suggested that for the summer , the Mashpee Lib-rary put <br /> out the first isue of heir newsletter . ' <br /> Mini suggested that i't would be wonderful if we had somebody <br /> who could take over the task of planning the newspaper. <br /> It was suggested that we table this idea until May or .June . <br /> David explained that he had made a preliminary inquiry into <br /> T-shirts and Sweatshirts , There are a nu-mber of people who <br /> can prove these. He suggested we invite, three - companies <br /> to bid , Our cost for T-shirts would be between $6 . 00 and <br /> $9 . 00 ; Sweatshirts $13 . 00 to $17 . 00 . <br /> IV ADJOURNMENT : <br /> T <br /> Having no further business before it , the meeting adjourned at <br /> 8 : 25 P . m. <br /> TEXT MEETING: TUESDAY , MARCH I , 1998 ; 7 : 00 P . M. <br /> Respectfully submitted , <br /> CWQJ& r UXV,.,. <br /> arbara Gain on. <br /> Board Secretary <br />