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r• <br /> - <br /> This month I attended two workshops sponsored by SEMIS.IS. The first one entitled <br /> "Stearn Heat: Hover to Have a Say in Revising Sumner Reading Lists" proved to be <br /> extremely valuable for me. I left the work hop with a positive plan of action on how <br /> to be more involved the Mashpee tepee Public Schools' Summer Reading Lists. 1 have an <br /> appointment with Trish Parolsl i, Director of Curriculum, in March to discuss the <br /> summer reading lists and the role of the public library. The second workshop I <br /> attended was "Storytimes for Age 0— ". f picked up some great ideas for improving <br /> our Toddle Time programs and plan to attend Part 2 of this workshop in March. <br /> I attended the monthly meeting of the Mashpee Conlrnufuty Partnership Council on <br /> Feb. 281h. The meeting was held at the new location of the Cape Cod Children's <br /> Museum, and many community representatives who service children in Mashpee were <br /> also ire attendance. It was a good opportur�t r for me to meet the museum director <br /> and staff`. The Council is forming a sigru cant partnership with the Children's <br /> Museum and plans to move its o face into the museum. <br /> i <br /> The contest in the Children's Room for the month of February was to guess how <br /> many candy hearts were in the container, 99 children entered the contest. I noticed by <br /> the age of the entries that the majority of the children were school-aged. The winner <br /> was Ross Lippman, a third grader. <br />