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5 <br /> Library Trustees <br /> 2/$/2000 <br /> Page Two <br /> V REPORT: Helene Deoe, Library Director : <br /> Helene reported- that Garr n-atian ' s position was open, H <br /> did not pl-an to run again since he had taken a job off Cape. <br /> Therefore, the board will. have one vacancy . <br /> Helene assured he will -stay on with the Library Building <br /> Committee. <br /> Helene presented the highligh.ts of her report for the month <br /> of December . Copy attached to. the .m,in to . <br /> Helene explained that they d-id not have the figures from CLAMS , <br /> but she had prepared some, rough figures which ar-e -listed in her <br /> report . <br /> REPORT : Childrents Librarian <br /> December and January 2000 reports from Janet Burke are attached . <br /> Di c s ion. <br /> VI REPORT: Building Committee -, feasibility Study/Work-shop with <br /> Powers & Co . /Ja_y Luckeroo <br /> David Burton reported that on 1/24/00, the bui1dinig committee <br /> had a' 'meeting in the Librar'y Meeting Room. A quorum-was not - <br /> p.resen�t of either the building .committee or the trustees , and <br /> therefore, it was not an official meeting . <br /> Darlene Powers of the Powers & Co . , the firm that is preparing <br /> the feasibility ' study, and Say Luger , the library consultant <br /> Frere present . For those ' of s who Frere p.�f...% nt , Da 0 d felt it <br /> was a very worthwhile meeting . David prepared copies - of the <br /> P <br /> rogra , taking it step by step . David offered codes bf the <br /> progrAm to those trustees- who were unable to attend * <br /> ba v i ' s impression wasp they came array ,with the f eel in . hat <br /> .they -stere in good -bands . They wire delighted that they had <br /> selected dowers & Co .' - He also felt that Tay Luc er -had so-me- <br /> thing to bring to the table as well . Jay Luc er has been 'in- <br /> volved with the construction of dozens of. libraries . <br /> Helene felt that the consultants knew what quest-ions to ask. <br /> Jay -Luckerts field .of expertise is also . in automation . <br /> y. Helene explained that this pa�rticularr library had not been <br /> designed with automation in mind . <br /> David explained that they were shooting 'four the October Town <br /> Meeting to have this buttoned - up and wrapped up . The f eas- <br /> ibility study will begin in late spring, and they will 'use <br /> the summer for public relations , their speakers ' bureau <br /> .going out to speak to various groups . They wanted to build <br /> this groundswell: and present it to the Mashpee voters . <br /> .a_�-� ___ _ - _ s __r . _ - _ ___.- ,-_mss. �.___ -3. r -._-. .--.-t__..- • -r . r- - a _ �_._ -_ .-4_._ _ LL_ <br />