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Fundraising <br /> David Burton stressed that not only is ftmdraising for construction important but we are also looking to building <br /> endowment o 'funds for the future. 1n addition,the Trustees emphasized that the Board()f Library Trustees do not <br /> perform as findraisers but,rather, fundraising is under the Friends of the Library. <br /> ,lane Dolan stated she read in Forbes magazine of companies that are branching into education and healthcare furnishing. <br /> She prepared a draft letter to send to each of these compames requesting they consider contributing to the new library <br /> building project. Barbara I otarius suggested: why not do this from the Friends? Ann MacDonald-Dailey added that <br /> the letter could be sent by Jane on behalf of the Friends. Following lengthy review and discussion,the consensus was <br /> reached that Jane will proceed with changes to the draft and will forward it to the compames on behalf of the Friends. <br /> Heather Lakatos reported that they had a great turnout for the walk to read event, dose to 90 participated;they raised <br /> $1,00 after expenses,which was most$550. more than last year. <br /> Barbara Notarius <br /> Barbara gave the Trustees a nmdown on her background. She said she came to the meeting tonight because she doesn't <br /> know what the rules are in accepting donations and who is it that does follow-ups? The Trustees explained the various <br /> roles of the Friends, the Trustees, etc., and David stressed that the Trustees will support her and she should feel free to <br /> approach David with any questions. Barbara then reported: <br /> 0 Friends raised$1,000 on the tragi event. She said everybody was pleasantly surprised;they sold 39 tickets. <br /> Wendy Brown told Barbara the Fairgrounds would allow Friends to come and use their space for summer <br /> programs. <br /> Barbara stressed it is critical to get more people involved in the Friends. <br /> New Business <br /> The Board discussed the importance at this juncture of having a member of the Planning and Construction Committee <br /> attend Librwy Trustee meetings to keep this Board updated on progress of the new library building project. It was the <br /> consensus of the Trustees that a fonnal request for a liaison from Planning and Construction Cottee to Library <br /> Trustee Board be filed. <br /> Motion; Ann MacDonald-Dailey motioned that the Board of Library Trustees officially request the Planning and <br /> Construction Cottee appoint a member of their Committee to serve as liaison to the Board of Library <br /> Trustees;Dianna Smith seconded this motion; was unanimously approved. <br /> Next Meeting... <br /> Tuesday, October 9, 2007 at 6:30 p.m, in the Library Meeting Room. <br /> Adjournment... <br /> Carlo D'Este motioned to adjouch the meeting;David Burton seconded the motion;and the meeting adjourned at8:25 <br /> p.m. <br /> l especdWly submitted, <br /> . f <br /> Gilierti <br /> ecordi ng Secretary <br />