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1 , <br /> J <br /> lashpee Public Library <br /> P o Box 657 <br /> lashpee NSA <br /> Circulation In June was 10,997 items, compared with last yearrs circulation <br /> of 8J58, Year-to-date circulation was 116,,953,, compared to 124,,47'1 <br /> sterns circulated last year. Added 1,082 downloads of audio books we had <br /> a grand total of 118,035., This month's growth fry circulation is the largest <br /> monthly increase (34%) since we've been at Joy St, It will be interesting <br /> to see if that tread continues over the summer months. Overall,, yearl <br /> circulation was down 6 over last year, <br /> Normally, circulation has grown o t each year, a pattern consistent <br /> during my 20 years with the library, Certainly moving to a new smaller <br /> location and storing about a quarter of the collection-had an impact. li e <br /> received many calls the first 6 months from patrons who didn't realize the <br /> library had moved or couldn't find the new location* We've seen much less <br /> of that the last few months. I believe that adjusting to the new location is <br /> a facto' in the recovery in circulation that we sally in June, <br /> The town finally implemented the Purchase Order function ur�ct�on in their <br /> financial software, We were given one lecture style training session late <br /> in June which discussed how to request and approve Purchase Orders. <br /> The system gent live July 1 t, I took the time to practice entering and <br /> approving requisitions in the training database and have successfully <br /> adapted to the new module. No bills will be processed without creating a <br /> re Sufi ition and obtaining a Purchase Order. Despite my initial trepidation,, <br /> p <br /> I am .noir comfortable creating Purchase Orders, The Accounting <br /> Department complimented me on how well I have rude the transition* M <br /> impression is that some departments are having more of a challenge than <br /> I did. <br /> I recently attended a workshop at SEMLS on Digital <br /> h otog ra hy, Barbara <br /> Anderson, the presenter, took the group through the most common types <br /> of digital cameras, how to use therm and how to transfer photos from the <br /> camera to a computer or storage device. she reviewed uploading photos <br /> to a web sharing service like Snapfi h and discussed editing, cropping and <br /> printing photos. At this time, the library doesn't have a digital camera but <br /> we have had volunteers take photos for us. I panted to be morep roficient <br /> at posting therm on our website. I plan to purchase a camera for the <br /> library so we are able to document our programs and share them with <br /> patrons via the website. <br />