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Re ort <br /> LibraKy Director's Re its <br /> Kathy Mahoney distributed copies of her monthly report and the CLAMS circulation report for the month of July. Also <br /> provided was a copy 6f Janet urke's JiIly monthly'report. 'Copies of these reports are atta hed to the printed set of <br /> these minutes. The reports were reviewed and discussed. other points discussed included: <br /> 0 Kathy advised that if the Library opened another 4 hours September through Memorial Day then we would get <br /> full payment-State funding, rather than a pro-rated amount. Kathy said she is thinking of ways to add the <br /> hogs and probably they'd do a survey to get patron Feedback. David mentioned that in the past -3 surveys <br /> done there was an indication that Tuesday and Thursday nights and Saturday afternoon needed extra hours. <br /> Jack stated that the-long-range plan will tale about. - meetings of a 10-12 member cross-section committee <br /> with a moderator and then opera Public Town Meeting and then conclude with the plan. <br /> Friends of the MashMe Public Ubr ...Pat Gamache provided an update report to the Trustees. <br /> Events loom <br /> Pat Garnache mentioned that the Friend's are very concerned about the meeting room policy. <br /> Jack Kowalski said he,Kathy,Torn Mayo and Town Counsel had a meeting and unfortunately the way the Friends <br /> expect to use the Events.Room i -not possible. Jack provided some of the highlights of the discussion: <br /> Town Counsel made it clear that it is not acceptable for Friends to have any more rights than anyone else; Jack <br /> said we know it is unfortunate because of all that the Friends do for the Library. <br /> Jack said-he asked Torn Mayo to dheck as to'basis on which Town Counsel opinion is used. Tom will follow- <br /> up with Town Counsel on this and then we will be able to address this with the Friends, <br /> 0 Book Sale...Books are gifts to the Library. Friends do al l the sorting and work but according to Town Counsel <br /> they can't run the book stile and put the money-in their account—it has to go into the Town's Library]donation <br /> Account. Books off the shelves that go into the book sale are Town property and cannot go to Friends to keep <br /> the money. <br /> Jack again reiterated that When we get the memorandum of law on which Couns6l opinions are based,then it <br /> will be made available to the Trustees and to the Friends. <br /> Kathy mentioned that a number of libraries have a situation where Friends buy best-sellcr books and patrons pay <br /> a rental fee. Kathy said Friends can buy thebooks through the Library and get a great discount; rent out and <br /> then eventually sell the books. She said this is a way to earn approxinnate the same amount of money in a less- <br /> labor intense manner. <br /> 0 Jack mentioned thaffown,Counsel said there are varying accounts where-Friends can distribute funds ... for <br /> instance they can place an amount they budget for book purchases for the Library in one account; set-up a gift <br /> account for something they would like to buy as a gift,etc. <br /> SaIM and Comm ensation ort <br /> Kathy Mahoney said a request was submitted to the committee for her position to be reclassified anal in addition to <br /> Library d irector"s position there were 3 other positions in Town that were submitted to- e reclassified. Kathy said-that <br /> Joyce Mason suggested that Town gets rid of the committee so that reclassifications aren't clone every 3 gears and not <br /> done through the union. If the union votes to accept this contract,then reclassification requests would go directly t <br /> Town Hall. <br /> 2 <br />