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MASHPEE CABLE TELEVISION <br /> ADVISORY COMMITTEE <br /> MINUTES <br /> June 2 2001 , <br /> Chairperson, Andrew Lliason brought the meeting t order at 3:05 p.m. <br /> Roll Call: Andrew Eliason, Lolita McCray, Marjorie Katsoulis, Jim Chisholm, Joe <br /> Iellagalla and Joyce Mason. <br /> Andrew Lliason passes out copies of May 8, 2001 minutes for the Board to review. Ms. <br /> McC ray would life a change made to remove "would life to get more than three <br /> quotes''. Jae Dellagala makes a motion to accept the minutes with the indicated changes <br /> and rola Mc r y seconds the motion. MINUTES ACCEPTED. <br /> Andy Eliason and Joyce Mason discuss the large account they have on hand and their <br /> hopes of maintaining it. <br /> Andy Lliason gives Jing Chisholm revisions to the draft news release. <br /> Joyce Mason hands out copies of a list of Fire Department equipment and their prices <br /> for the board to review. (see attachment A <br /> Marjorie Katsoulis announces the Public Studio equipment has arrived. Discussion o <br /> how pleased the studio users are with everything and high regards for Bob Fensternaker <br /> for all he has done above and beyond the call of duty. <br /> Lola McCray asks Joyce Mason about repairs and the air conditioning at for the control <br /> booth T.V. . Ms. Mason hopes by July 1 things will happen. A discussion of a new <br /> console to enable the equipment to be turned around ensues. The board generally agrees <br /> this would work best. Andy Eliason asks if there is a projector at the Fire Department. <br /> Ms. Mason informs them this would be an additional $4,000. The board discusses the <br /> equipment list and their prices with Ms. Mason. Joyce Mason hopes to have the money <br /> for the projector at some point soon. Andy Eliason makes a motion to approve the Fire <br /> Department equipment list. Marjorie Katsoulis soulis seconds the motion. UNANIMOUS - <br />' EQUIPMENT DIST IS ACCEPTED. <br /> Jim.Chisholm mentions the need for a projector and Joe Del.lagala suggests rentals. <br /> Marjorie Katsoulis comments that others use an apple omputer With the equipment as <br /> standard. Andrew Eliason explains that the original committee wanted the Town to <br /> purchase its on entire Cable System"Tlant" but a disagreement came about and they <br /> could not agree on certain things. <br />