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Arthur Joia Presentation c_n ins <br /> Arthur Joia provided to the Board written material that describes the QVAVC-SD equipment,which is part of the <br /> QVIdium Advance Video Codec line of products. A copy of the material provided is attached to the printed set of <br /> these minutes. Arthur stated-that this presentation is for informational purposes only. Arthur also presented a slide <br /> presentation. The information included in the presentation included the following: <br /> • Arthur showed how traditional lNet system works and hove the signal flows. <br /> • lNet is owned by the cable company. lNet system and its maintenance has to be negotiated with the cable <br /> company and is a little bit costly. <br /> 0 Peter Cohen asked: Is this how the Town lNet system is Arthur responded"yes',this gives a rough <br /> estimate of the current system in Town. F <br /> 0 Library not under the lNet system. Arthur said he is just saying how the video drop sites are being carried. <br /> 0 Net result is video and audio would not be good quality. <br /> 0 Met now on coaxial cable and that cable not available anymore. <br /> No one outside community able to get signal. <br /> 0 New and improved signal flow makes remote video flown improved. Peter Cohen said is the idea that <br /> somebody in the field with camera and this device and the device is connected to Internet. Arthur said that <br /> could be but Ar'thur feels better to get from camera to studio and then from studio to head end. Cutting out, <br /> Met altogether. <br /> • Peter Cohen then asked. is live event coverage basically what you're thinking to do; Arthur said not only <br /> lure but also 2417 signals from the High School...-like meetings; calendar; etc. Arthur said they cover <br /> School Committee rneet <br />