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} MASHFEE COMMONS ADVISORY COMMITTEE <br /> � <br /> Wednesday, October 2'5 1'-�`�� <br /> f <br /> NOV 9 995 <br /> meeting of the ashpee Commons dvi cery �_ommitte �_ 11 ed di <br /> order at Town Hall by Chairmzzin Pro Tem Judy Mills on � i � . <br /> October .-�� i`9 .� a t 5: t��,� . m. OFFICE T - t ' <br /> Present : Judy Mills,, Charles Costello, Jim Dorgan, N i c DemeDe.* <br /> John F rrug ony Tcifel Po l;s, Spyro i ioko to � Dennis Balzzarini � <br /> Margin Fenn,, Tom Fudal a, Marie Scalley, Rcibert Whr ,itenOUr, Douglas <br /> Stcrrr , BLLff Chace. <br /> i <br /> Mrs. Mills said one of the iS)SUes to deal with tonight is to <br /> i <br /> elect a new Chairman cif the Cct mit ee. - I r . Costello asked for <br /> clarification as to who are .x—officio members. Mrs. Mills <br /> stated Mr . Fud l a and Ms. Fenn are a x�o f f i c i o members and t h e <br /> 1:+ar d of Selectmen would be making decision on Mr . hr i enour ? . <br /> status. Mr . (-:o tel l cf said his main concern is that. if the <br /> Committee votes on anything, he doesrn" t want it to be illegal <br /> b e4_aLtSe some members voting may be a s#—sn f f i c i ce. Mr Wh r i t en our <br /> said he will abstain frOM VC)ting UrA it he knows his StatLLS fcir <br /> SLAre. <br /> !''firs. Mills opened the nominations fcir" C...:hakirirnan. M1 mit iclkoto <br /> said with so many new faces cin the Ccimmittee that pecfple wcluld be <br /> voting blindly. He asked if the meeting COUl d be conducted <br /> withIDUt a Chairman until the me%,,;t meeting after everyone has had <br /> time to think: about who they want to he C_:hairman; <br /> MOTION by Mr . M i t i crkcl5t as and SEI--= DED by Mr . Dor qan t iz# <br /> table selecting a Chairman to the next meeting, So <br /> TOTED with s. Scalley and Mr . Cci st e l 3 ct opposed. <br /> Mr . Ccisteil,D felt there should be an interim Chairperscin. Mr . <br /> t cir rr s SUgg est ed that Mrs. Mills c cint i nLte as Chair man Pro Tem t <br /> ccinduct the meeting. <br /> MOTION by Mr . Dorgan and SECONDED by Mr . Costello and <br /> UNANIMOUSLY COTE that Mrs. Mills continue as Chairman <br /> Pro Tem for this meeting. <br /> Mrs. i 1 l s said another i SUe for tonight is that Wednesday da night <br /> meetings will not be c o ndU i ve for every member. She asked i f <br /> everyone would be able to meet ,zin Tue d a , nights at 5: 00. he <br /> a150 suggested changing the meeting time trj 6:00 or : 23o, <br /> alth'--lU h she per'scinal ly had nc, problem with 5: 00. Mr . <br /> M i t i o kos as said if the meeting goes pass7: 00 then it runs i n t ce <br /> other town board and committee meetings. MIr . SUggested <br /> meeting from 5: 30-7: 00 p. m.. on Tuesdays. Mrs. Scalley said sh e v s <br /> on a c cimm i t t ee which meets the second TLIesd ay of the month at t h e <br /> Senior Center and it w LLld be difficult to get there at 7: C)(--) P, M. <br /> The 1--'cifnin i t t ee decided t o meet 5. 15j---E,: %5 p. m. cine Tuelsday Tuesdayper <br />