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percent of dwelling units within the Town of Mashpee are seasonal <br /> units. The base line for the fiscal impact analysis is to be <br /> determined by both the absorption nate and sales/rental rates per <br /> unit. The demographic break down is to be obtained through the <br /> Consultant, Burchill-Li tiken. The commercial base line could be <br /> obtained through either Steve Foster of Lynch-Murphy, a Boston <br /> based firm who has worked on prior appraisal reports; or Joe <br /> Clancy, a local appraiser, who would understand the local market. <br /> proposal is expected from each. There was discussion regarding <br /> the absorption nate-lo, 1 , or 20 year period. Mr. Brais <br /> suggested establishing .the best estimate of absorption within a <br /> time period, as well as the examination of full build out <br /> figures . (There was discussion regarding subdivision <br /> regulations; the Special Permit process; phasing criteria; and <br /> flexibility afforded to the Town. ) <br /> Selectman Diniio asked the Developer who is expected to be <br /> attracted to Mashpee Commons and where would they find <br /> employment . Mr. Storrs answered some would be retirees; families <br /> and single couples would not move to Mashpee unless they had � <br /> secured employment. Mr. Brais stated he has some questions in <br /> this regard; he suggested the Committee should discuss the <br /> results of theZimmerman/Volk Study and determine if the needs of <br /> Mashpee have been met. He suggested the Zimmerman/Volk Study was <br /> an executive summary that does not determine how conclusions were <br /> i <br /> reached. He further made the suggestion of having a range for <br /> purposes of fiscal impact analysis from a market perspective. <br /> Mr. Storrs stated his proposal to the Town is to convert <br /> from commercial to residential; up to four hundred new units <br /> will fit into the existing neighborhoods and provide a <br /> successful community center surrounding Mashpee Commons. The <br /> Consultant was asked to determine the draw area and breakdown by <br /> category. Mr. Braes made the point that the Town be provided <br /> with a reasonable fiscal down. -side should the expected outcome <br /> not materialize. The Town Representatives have a fiduciary <br /> responsibility to the 'down. <br /> Mr. Storrs suggested providing three numbers; conservative, <br /> average and aggressive sides of the well curve. He also stated <br /> that the product would dictate the user. whitings Road is <br /> designed to be small lot, single family units. Jobs Fishing <br /> Road, Trout Pond, E. Steeple, and N. Market are designed to be <br /> courtyard apartments, and mixed use (apartments over retail) . <br /> He made reference to the current construction of thirteen 1 <br /> units; the majority of interested parties are singles and <br /> elderly. <br /> Mr. Brais noted since flexibility is incorporated into the <br /> proposal, there is uncertainty about who will fill the units, as <br /> well as uncertainly regarding price. He reiterated the necessity <br /> for a "down-side scenario" in order for the Town to reach an <br /> informed decision. <br /> -2- <br />