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the fiscal impact study. Mr. Brais responded the information <br /> will inform people of the likely impacts on Town revenues, <br /> expenses, and tax rates. It will be used as an aid in the <br /> decision making process . <br /> 1r. Chace pointed out the Z/V estimates were interpreted to <br /> be high, the OTJM estimates have been based upon transactions <br /> made in the recent past and are considered to be lower than <br /> current prices, that perhaps one average number should be used <br /> for accuracy. <br /> Selectman Diniio explained his understanding to be that the <br /> two ranges would be used as "what if" type scenarios for the <br /> purpose of devising formulas in advance that would address the <br /> building situation at the time of construction. <br /> Mr. Whritenour suggested that the appropriate time for some <br /> sort of agreed upon blending would be when the impacts and <br /> revenues are calculated. He stated that some concrete numbers <br /> will be required for comparison of projected revenues vs. <br /> projected costs . <br /> Mr. Whritenour reminded the Committee that the reason for <br /> creating a range was for the purpose of identification of <br /> potential down-sides to the development. The point being to have <br /> something more than a purely market driven deve 1 opre nt. One <br /> benefit being the ability to identify and safeguard against the <br /> development moving into certain undesirable directions, such as <br /> a large number of low-range single family homes with multiple <br /> bedrooms. This type of development would create low-income taxes <br /> and high educational costs. Reconfiguration of the project at <br /> this point would be appropriate in order to protect against this <br /> type of demand. <br /> Mr. Chace reminded the committee of his responsibility to <br /> provide ten 10 percent of the housing as Affordable Housing <br /> Units . The concept of mixed -use and neighborhood planning is to <br /> build street by street . He further reminded the Committee that <br /> the market is no longer the same as that of the 1980 ' s. <br /> Mr. Fudala commented the Affordable Housing units <br /> have to be addressed at some point as part of the numbers. til so, <br /> if the OTJM Study reflects unrealistic pries with regard to the <br /> condominiums, they should be removed. <br /> Selectmen ] iniio reiterated the down-side scenario has to <br /> be considered if the Public Servants are to act responsibly <br /> towards the Town. <br /> John Kuchinski arrived at the Meeting at this point, :2 <br /> p.m. <br /> Selectman Rini io further stated his desire to mesh the <br />