<br /> MarMashpee Public Ll ray - PCO/Change Order Log' -. 130/1
<br /> issue
<br /> ssue original Final Change Current
<br /> # DESCRIPTION I ea an For han�e Value Value Class
<br /> PCO 21 'Second floor water cooler 9/14109 "Chiller"cwater cooler would not fit due to a cross brace 0.00 2,157.00 Design A rove(
<br /> PCO 22 Tile at donor wall 9116/09 €fie crested b the Fr ends of the Librapost construction start. 1,620.00 1 r620,00 Upgrade Approve(
<br /> #26 Kollin sheivin rails. 511109 Necessaryto acornmodate new room size v_rith old libraryequipment. 1,100.00 1,319M U rade Approve(
<br /> PQ
<br /> 0 u ort system for recast panels at entrance. 8/19!09 Issue between Arch and Filed-sub as to responsibility.RP su ested 50150 to move on, 5,000.00 5,284.00 Scope rove
<br /> I
<br /> E#27 Paint by owner 9117109 Specifications call for"Owner'to provide exterior trim paint 1.485,}0 1,485,00 scope Approvec
<br /> PCS l=!cerin u rales 1011109 Chan a After Hours ent hallway from ept to slate. 6,4',9.00 5,708.00 Upgrade rove(
<br /> E#29 Remove an additional 10 trees along 151. 10125109 Frees are just beyond clearing limit but are at risk due to grading changes in area_ 3,159.00 2,234.00 Upgrade rove(
<br /> E# 0 Provide interface low volts a whin 10127109 Required for door controls,not shown on drawings. 32$.38 881.00 Design Approve(
<br /> E#36 Handicap sidewalk modifications.
<br /> 11111109 Necessa to make rales work along Steeple Street and to keep a curb reveal. 2,250.00 2,250.00 Upgrade Approye
<br /> E#31 Btock in and flash masonry returns. 11/1/09 Necessary to close in several areas where mason!y/siding mason /sidinginterface could not be resolved. 1,775.00 1,776.00 Design Appro�re
<br /> E#34 Added duct work in boiler room. 11/20/09 Necessary to dediacte make-up air and avoid pipe freezes. 515.00 515.00 Design Approye
<br /> E#35 Added mulch aloe east bounds 11!1!09 Necessary to dress up area where Mashpee Commons ori inall would have had a sidewalk. 2,000.00 2,541.00 Upgrade Approve
<br /> E#40 Shop finish millwork desks Father than field 12123109 Re comended by contractor and architect for better finish of millwork items. 79$.00 79£.00 Upgrade Approve
<br /> E Field moll FP8 fixture 12129109 Necessary to work in ceiling with HVAC register. 349.00 849.00 Design A rove
<br /> E#38 Change location of Events Room projector 12!4109 Necessary becouse drop from ceiling would have been too far and would have interferred with lighfing. 8,052.00 ,05 .00 Upgrade Reccornencti
<br /> PCO 24 Revisions to donation aver and brick avers_ 10114109 Reduce donation aver amounts and change base design. 0.00 0.00 Desi n No cost
<br /> Site word performed in LP's area of work. 1116109 MCLP's res on ibfli but weerforrr ed to properly finish off area. 700.00 0;00 rade hosts covered in
<br /> E#41 Add electric and HVAC for copier in Rm 118 12124109 Re nested b Libra staff to et copier in workroom rather snarll ublic area. 2,454.00 827.00 Upgrade rove
<br /> E#37 Lower boiler flue. 12/14/09 Cotts associated with lowering the boiler flue for better appearance on outside of Bldg. 84Z00 842.00 Design Approve
<br /> PV s p port bracket and co p pe r credits. 12/22/09 Linforseen PV su ort needed and we are lookin for copper credit for drip edge. 0.00 0.00 scope Re'e
<br /> E#39 Millwork-adds and credits. 12/15/09 Deleat north entry diselay case,add Friends bookcase,add draws in desks. 3,601.20 3,026.00 Upgrade Approve
<br /> E#44 Aditional power and low votta a wiring 1128110 Required to fully integrate owners security system and due to change in alarm signalling. 11733.00 1,733.00 Upgrade Recco ends
<br /> E#45 Costs a soiciated with adding a 1 h ceiling. 1125110 Ceiling required in Solar Room to meet code.Original plans did not include. 1,000.00 1,000.00 Design Rec omenM
<br /> E#43 Added ower,low vola a and millwork changes. 3112/10 Re uired to inter rate owner's com uter rnana ement s stem on second floor. 1,210.00 1,210.00 rade Reccomend+
<br /> i , 12129!09 Required to eliminate flarnable cork board and add maple E 46 Main stair thanepaneling and millwor trim. 2,018.00 1019.00 Desi n €eccor�tend#
<br /> E#47 Main reception desk change 311/10 Needed for bookdrop system to work effectively. 1,1 95.00J 0.00
<br /> Totals $149,236.01, x,118,418.00
<br /> Totals by than a Class; Change Order Recap
<br /> Scope $31,453.00 co#1
<br /> Nor?-Scope 0.00 CO#2 _
<br /> Design 60,030.00 co#
<br /> Upgrade 36,935.00 CO#4
<br /> Total $118,418.00 co#a
<br /> Co#5
<br /> GO#7
<br /> o#8
<br /> Total -
<br /> A Ph Pt A M
<br /> I i
<br /> i '
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