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r <br /> WWW, ONEAR'E' , <br /> I want to THINK MORE about: <br /> ---Make aSe1ecti.on.--____ <br /> T+brawn± re{T.YFF+#,• 4!�y +Y.T:!Tti'.'r''f'1f .'!.."!rr+iMrf!�,�T !r'r',r.y,,'.!rfT'w.!�. _. .. _ .. T, +._+r4':.FT'!.Na��.. .�t.�TYf!'..5 !+lf� ...i+rt.+!'r4.x'.++r+1 i+ _rMwwar�.+. •. i�1"r�T..Tr!r!T'!R'!.i+r.'+`ry.yyr' <br /> CONSUMPTION <br /> In the post 46 !ears.,the human race has consumed as .+ n goods and serAces all previousgeneration combined. Unsustainable <br /> cocnsumoon is quickly becorrdng the root cause of otff planers most pressing problems, r sur ng in global deforestation, depletion of our <br /> oceans, loss of blodive ttyt and increased pollution from a growing reliance on fbawl fuels. <br /> In the-past#ve decades:almost half of the forests that once covered the earth have vani'shedI and deforestation is expanding and <br /> accelere ng#7010/6 of the woricrs fish stocks are at some stage of deterlorailon thTpugh overfishing and all 15 major fishing areas are close to <br /> reaching or have already exceeded their natural limits; and at least 1 f000 species go extinct every year. <br /> The industrialized countries, with only one-fourth of the planet's population, consume an overwhelming prop6itan of the planet's neral <br /> resources.The average resident of an industrial country consumes 3 Umes as much fresh water, 10 times as much energy, and 19 limes as <br /> much aluminum as someone in a developing country. indr.Mali ed countries also generate % of the pollutants and waste. <br /> This"consumer class"counts among its members most North Americans, West Europeans,Japanese, Australians and citizens of Fong Kong, <br /> Singapore, and the Middle East. In addition, perhaps half of the people of Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States are <br /> In the oon umer cless as are'about one fifth of the people in Lartbn America, South Arca, and the newly industrialLdng countries of Asia, such <br /> as South !Corea. <br /> The United Statea,Wth ont o of the planet's population, cormcara s nearly 0 of the planet's natural resources. The average Amedcan <br /> Burnes 150 gallons(681 liters) of water, 3.3 pounds (1.5 kg) of food arae 15 pounds . kg)of fossil Nels a day,while producing 120 gal lans <br /> 546 liters)of_sewage, 3.4 pounds 1.5 kg)of garbage and 1.3 pounds kg of pollutants. <br /> This overconsurnptive American lifestyle is quickly becoming the uncontested_global model and consumption levels In developing nations are <br /> rising more quickly than torose in the Industrialized naftns. If the level ofonsumpfion fro-the developing world should rise to that of the <br /> InduWa d nand ns#w would require two addManal earths to meet everyone's food and timber needs under.current technologies. <br /> Does this mean we need to abandon our way of life? Not necessedly. Despite the constraints and tradeoffs vire all face,it Is possible to become <br /> more responsible consumer's without giving•uFp any of our quality of life. The WoWng secdons will highlight some of the steps we can all take <br /> o reduce our impact on the planet. It focuses on the three areas that account for the majority of environmental impacts:transportation, food, <br /> and the house. There is also information on changes businesses can make, and tips on what changes can be made by the government to <br /> reduce the impact of overconsumption and ease the barriers to responsible consumption. <br /> r <br />