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lahpee Recycling Committee Meeting May 22, 2002 , y � E E <br /> TO MN <br /> i* . <br /> P .m. <br /> 02JUL 1 5 AN! 8:'52 <br /> Present. Catherine Laurent, Nikki Descoteau , Chuck Grasior, Glenn Santos <br /> The DPW has.applied for a grant for another roll-off closed top container . June 19 th <br /> there will be a meeting of Recycling Coordinators. <br /> General introductions of committee members. <br /> Situation at Mas pee schools: no recycling of paper at the elementary and middle schoolsl <br /> Yet: at the high school, there is recycling of paper and cardboard. <br /> DPW pays for pick up of mixed paper at torn offices. <br /> Refuse trash goes to Bourne and to New Bedford (the ]atter originates from the transfer <br /> station). We dont get paid for most recycled material; DPW covers the cost. The more w <br /> separate at the point of origin, the more we get paid. Esc: New Bedford pays Mashpee 5 <br /> ton for paper. But Bourne accepts Mashpee material, Just to help us out; thereby, lowering <br /> ng <br /> transportation costs. Trucking from Barnstable to New Bedford costs o but there is also <br /> payback. <br /> Down side of increased separation at point of origin: people are less likely to recycle <br /> because of increased effort on their part. <br /> lashpee pays $55 Ton: transfer to Upper Cape Regional Transit then via RR to <br /> Seallass. <br /> Condos: There are approximately 20 00 units in l ash ee. They do not recycle, generally.� reo� <br /> We need to research how other towns have successfully included condos in recycling. <br /> Could we use the 11stick" approach. fines if reg cla les are included in the trash? <br /> Transfer station is responsible for checking on the trash brought in. <br /> Private haulers go directly to Otis. <br /> SeaMa s contract continues until 201 <br /> DPW is going for a recycling grant. <br /> "Pay as you throw" program help to increase recycling. There is a May 23 Id workshop at <br /> 1 p.m. in Barnstable on this system. Residents pay per bag of trash. <br /> Falmouth is the only Cape town with curbside service. <br />