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5/16/2018 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
5/16/2018 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
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regarding form based code on June 6. The Chair noted that Mr. Chace requested June 20, July 18 or <br /> August 1. Mr. Balzarini requested that Mashpee Commons attend a meeting after the other speakers <br /> presented. There was agreement to invite Mashpee Commons to join the Planning Board on July 18. <br /> Mr. Balzarini inquired about Mr. Almeida's experience with form based code and Mr. Lehrer noted <br /> similarities between Westerly, RI and the Cape, and efforts to address similar coastal challenges. Mr. <br /> Lehrer stated that Mr. Almeida offered a wealth of knowledge with 30 years' experience working with <br /> the Under Secretary of the Economy in the Azores and up to 10 years working in planning in the <br /> United States, Mr. Almeida was well qualified to discuss with the Board how form based code <br /> worked. <br /> Mr. Balzarini noted that Mashpee Commons promoted a traditional New England village, but their <br /> vision did not represent a traditional Cape Cod village. The Chair stated that Mashpee Commons' <br /> challenge would be translating a traditional Cape Cod village building into a larger scale building. Mr. <br /> Lehrer suggested that Nantucket was classically urban in its form, with 3-6 story buildings in classic <br /> colonial Cape Cod architecture. Mr. Lehrer noted that there was an organic way by which New <br /> England communities developed by building type, prior to vehicles. Main streets featured a tavern, <br /> houses, grocery shop, hat maker or shoemaker. Villages were developed based on the need, which was <br /> the basis of form based code. Mr. Kooharian stated that Mashpee Commons would be developing the <br /> land and there would be no traditional Cape Cod village like Mashpee Commons. When considering <br /> traditional Cape Cod, one could consider earlier communities such as the indigenous community or <br /> farming lifestyle. Mr. Kooharian pointed out that Route 151 no longer provided a quaint New England <br /> village with the existing setbacks. Mr. Kooharian inquired whether it was better to build a pretend old <br /> style or build something that was organic and new and interesting and possibly better. <br /> Mr. Lehrer agreed that the parcel would be developed and that it was not common for a developer to <br /> invite such a participatory process. The cost of infrastructure was dire and Mashpee Commons offered <br /> an opportunity to develop wealth. Chairman Waygan referenced the fiscal analysis offered by <br /> Mashpee Commons, with tax generation versus tax burden, noting that new building may not <br /> necessarily generate more tax revenue. The Chair stated that she did not wish to erase the protective <br /> zoning established for the area and hoped that Mashpee Commons would consider an overlay district <br /> or citation to form based code for their area with a Special Permit from the Planning Board. <br /> Mr. Balzarini noted that many of the public comments expressed interest in parks and housing. The <br /> Chair responded that Mashpee Commons promised to scan the comments pages from the visioning <br /> sessions, to place the information online. Mr. Lehrer will ensure Mr. Balzarini receives the <br /> information. Mr. Kooharian emphasized that Mashpee Commons would not build something that <br /> would lose money, so they had an interest in knowing what the public would support. It was Mr. <br /> Lehrer's opinion that the final plan from the visioning sessions was phenomenal, particularly the <br /> greenways component- The Chair found the river to river walk interesting but expressed concern about <br /> the building heights of 4-6 stories, adding that they would be asking for large buildings in some areas <br /> to make the project financially feasible. Mr. Lehrer emphasized that scale and context would be <br /> considerations, adding that the revenue growth with buildings above three stories was exponential. <br /> Mr. Balzarini inquired about affordable rental units. Chairman Waygan stated that housing was <br /> primarily rental and they typically did not label it affordable. Mr. Balzarini and Mr. Cumming <br /> expressed concern about the lack of affordable housing. Mr. Cumming liked what Mashpee Commons <br /> had built, but would like to know what Mashpee would receive in return for allowing their continued <br /> development, such as 40B or land. Mr. Cumming felt that the development should stop at the assisted <br /> living facility and the land going down to Quinaquissett be put into Conservation. <br /> 2 <br />
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