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2/8/2018 HOUSING AUTHORITY Minutes
2/8/2018 HOUSING AUTHORITY Minutes
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The meeting was called to order by the chairman at 6:00 PM. A quorum was i.lecrhtvd with the <br /> following members Present: Fran Laporte, Richard Halpern, Kevin, and Lisa Pena* .fill <br /> Allen was absent. Also in attendance: Leila.Botsford, BN eeutive DI.Tecto . <br /> SECRETARY' REPORT: Minutes for the regular rIE-eting held. on J�i.nuar-y 11, 2018 were <br /> nailed to members before the meeting. A motion was made by Richard If0p121.R°11 and <br /> seconded by Kevin Shackett to accept the minutes as presented. 'the urwtlon 4.arried. <br /> TREASURE."S REPORT & BUDGET UPDATE: lsvlrs. Botsford sl ,t(�d tlla( tl e accountant <br /> had Planned on doing the FYI 8 Budget Presentation Coni;)Fht, but because we arc, er.teal n g into a <br /> management agreement with l attapoisett as of February 15, which is go ingir ti) a fficet our budget. <br /> DHCD bias allowed us to submit our budget a little late in order to not have to s u b Tait a revision <br /> later. Mr. Joy will beat our meeting 'in March to Present it. The warrants for sic;,ncatur e tonight <br /> are for the months of January 2018 and total as follows: 70,834.82 for,10 1,. 4,862-00 for <br /> MR VP, $39,508.73 for.Asher}s Path Apailments, 6,356.34 for HAP, and ].o.,8 5 1.48 Tor Great <br /> Cove Community. <br /> We have all residents paid in full at Asher's Path and Breezy Acres. We haile h.,o residents at <br /> Homeyer village that are late and two at Great Cove Community. All s:.iould 1){1 paid by next <br /> week. <br /> We are 100% occupied. We have one GCC tenant who has bought a home and wi-.1 be moving at <br /> the end of February so we'll have that vacancy filled. <br /> A. motion was made by Richard Halpern and seconded by Keirin Shackett 1t o o-ceept the <br /> Treasurer's Report as presented. The motion carried. <br /> EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT & UPDATES: <br /> Mrs. Botsford stated that she had mailed her report for January and had 'aS-t a fey -v i tens to add: <br /> Carol will be attending the training to get Massachusetts Public fl:Ous1141 Administrator <br /> certification. This is a five Part Process and she will take the coiv'ses over C LP eri ed of <br /> time, up to one year. <br /> * Carol is in the process of hiring a.part time (12 hours/week) cassi s La nt. IrL the nn e antime, <br /> she has Betty from the Brewster office helping out one day a eel( <br /> 0 Our annual ATOP (Agreed Upon Procedures)/Aud:.t starts in a coup le wec,k-s in M ashpee, <br /> The annual Asher's Path audit has started and should be dories by isend month. <br /> 0 MassHousing has scheduled our annual Property Mana em(.13rt Review,Irl Asher's Path in <br /> March. <br /> 0 I attended the Neter England Regional Conference for NAHR D earlier th.1 S veek. <br /> 0 Lisa Pena attended a two-day board member training recentl� S1 re report(---d that it was <br /> very good. <br /> * The five year Capital Improvement Plan will be s'rarted in the next mo-.Iitl^� or so. That will <br /> be eornin. to board for approval once Mrs. Botsford has finiL,hed It and-r-ix lived tenant <br /> input. <br /> Page 2 of 5 <br />
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