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Mashpee Wakeby Lake Management <br /> Committee <br /> May 2412 <br /> 730 PM <br /> Mash ee Towu Hall <br /> Meeting called by:. Debi McManus <br /> Type.of meeting Monthly <br /> Secretary Barbara B. Nichols <br /> Attendees' Members: Mike Rapacz, Barbara Nichols <br /> Guests: <br /> The minutes of the April 26, 2018 meeting were held for approval at the June meeting. <br /> Agenda`topcs <br /> [Agenda topic,I Lake level(River outflow <br /> Discussion: Barbara Nichols obtained the lake measurements on May l st and 15`x'. The levels were 55.9 <br /> and 55.8 feet above sea level with 20 and 21 inches of water flowing over the board closest to the lake. <br /> There were 16 and 15 inches of water in the stream by the stairs. The small uprooted tree and branches <br /> remain caught just downriver from the lower end of the cage. Paper debris remains along the path to the <br /> cage from the beach. There was 4.54 inches of rain in Barbara's rain gauge between April 15th and May <br /> 15t" <br /> Measurements and information on the debris were sent to Drew McManus in Conservation. <br /> Conclusions: The lake remains high due to large amounts of precipitation. <br /> CAgen la tnpre 2] S'. Newsletter. <br /> Discussion: Barbara completed the newsletter except for obtaining a current picture from Lowell Holly. <br /> After contact with Diane Lang, an article was written about the stewardship change at Lowell Holly <br /> Reservation. Once a picture is obtained to complete the article,the newsletter will be submitted to the <br /> Town Manager for approval. <br /> Conclusions: The newsletter is nearly complete and will be submitted to Town Hail for approval soon. <br />