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DR6-14 design Review Meeting 6-14-95 Minutes <br /> Present: William F. Hauck, members- Anthony Feragamo, Steven vantol, Edward Gavoni <br /> Deer Crossing building" E"- Final review of plans which went before the Board of <br /> Appeals, The committee was in agreement-with the final landscape and wall design, agreed <br /> also with planting requirement and recommended the plans as drawn. <br /> 428 Nathan Ellis Highway, Donahue- Jeff Willis present - The eonuittee reviewed the <br /> added lighting to the landscape plan. No negative comments on the lighting and the <br /> committee recommends the existing building and landscape plans to Appeals, Mr. Willis <br /> submitted an alternate building design which the committee would also recommend to <br /> Appeals. The changes would require the applicant to reapply to the Board of Appeals and <br /> also modify the landscape plan. <br />