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R' <br /> • f <br /> op <br /> rt, <br /> BOARD OF SELECTMEN <br /> MINUTES <br /> TUESDAY, MAY 31if 1988 - REGULAR SESSION <br /> Page3 <br /> NEW BUSINESS <br /> Mrs . Jacobson moved to form a senior Center Building Committee <br /> without Town Meeting authority so that the project may begin . <br /> Mr. Hanson seconded t e motion. The vote was unanimous . Mr. <br /> Carter was not present for the vote. <br /> 2 , Mr. Hanson moved to execute a contract between the Town and <br /> Mashpee Permanent Firefighters Association, Local 2519 . <br /> Mrs . Jacobson seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous , <br /> Mr. Carter was not present for the vote. <br /> 3 , Nor. Hanson moved to execute the June 27F 1988 -Special Town <br /> Meeting warrant , Mrs . Jacobson seconded the motion . The <br /> vote was unanimous . Mr. Carter was not present for the vote. <br /> Merino from Harbormaster, Chester Koblinsky requesting 1 . The <br /> Harbormaster be paid $1500 . per month May through October and <br /> $500 per..•. month November through April for a total of $12 , 000 . <br /> . That the Assistant Harbormaster~ be paid by the Town for actual <br /> work performed at the rate of $6 . 60 to $7 .92 , depending upon their <br /> experience and knowledge. <br /> Mrs . Jacobson moved to approve the requests of the Harbormaster. <br /> Mr. Hanson seconded the motion . The vote was unanimous . Mr. Carter <br /> was not present for the vote. <br /> r 4 <br /> Mr. Carter moved to grant a Request for Legal Services from the <br /> Conservation Commission to have Town Counsel contact a Mr. Hun oon <br /> with respect to conservation land on Simons Narrows Road . M . <br /> Hanson seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous . Mrs . <br /> Jacobson ostaind from the vote. <br /> . Mr. Hanson moved to approve a request from DPW Director Ernie <br /> Virgilio to repair a number~ of pot holes in the town - an <br /> expenditure of $4 , 000 from Emergency repairs to Private Roads . <br /> Mrs . Jacobson seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous , <br /> Mr. Carter was not present for the vote <br /> OTHER NEW BUSINESS <br /> memo from Ernie Virgilio regarding Attaquin Park -- Mr. Hanson commented <br /> on the memo stating that DPT should empty trash only and if the members <br /> wish to keep up the beach, the town would be willing to work with therm. <br /> Mr. Manson stated that the people using the beach are showing no <br /> respect for the surroundings , All agreed with Mr. Hanson than <br /> Mr. Virgilio ' s department' should treat this beach in accordance with <br /> others and empty trash barrels only and not to- be involved in a daily <br /> clean up. <br /> r <br />