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Board of Selectmen <br /> *Regular r <br /> Friday, September 2 108 <br /> Present: Chairman Lawrence,, selectman Gottlieb, Selectman Carter, selectman Hanson, <br /> Selectman Jacobson, and Executive secretary Joseph Murphy <br /> Chairman an Lair rence convened the meeting at :00 a.rte. <br /> Mrs. ,Jacobson moved to go into Executive Session to discuss a pending real estate transaction <br /> involving the Town. Mr. Hanson seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, MrsJacobson, Mr. <br /> Hanson, and Mr. Gottlieb voted in the affirmative and Mr. Gottlieb announced the Board would ld not <br /> be going into open session. Mr. Lawrence and Mr. Carter were not in attendance at the time of the <br /> Board vote but arrived shortly thereafter. <br /> i <br /> The Board, by consensus, approved the conceptual framework of the I ntermu nicipal Agreement with <br /> the Mashpee Water District dated August 22, 1988 with the exception of Paragraph 9 relating to <br /> assessing and collecting services. It was deeded to offer the District three years of such services <br /> without charge and an option for an additional two years that will be reviewed by Selectmen after � <br /> Jarnuary 1# 1991 to determine the overall cost for such services. <br /> The meeting ng adjourned at 8.45 a.m. <br /> Respect I ly su bmitted, <br /> ,Joseph , Mph <br /> Ex4cutive secretary <br />