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i <br /> i <br /> Mr. Grotske questioned, "As far as scheduling, since there is evidence of <br /> breakout, does the Board qualify this as an emergency " <br /> NNUTE S June 5 9 1 9 7 5 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Mr.. Congar stated, "I would like to get the system M before the summer rental <br /> people come in." <br /> Mr. Doherty stated, "This is rental property which puts it in a whole new light." <br /> "Rental property- you're making money on that which makes it a business." <br /> Mr. Congar stated, "That was going to be nay retirement home." <br /> IIx. McQuaid stated, "I don't- have to go out there and certify it in failure." <br /> "Unless I can certify it in immediate failure hien they have to go through the regular <br /> channels." "If I can certify it in failure hien we can not bypass Conservation but we can <br /> file a "Notice of Failure" and then the applicant or the engineer would have to file a <br /> "Notice of Intent" after the fact." "Unless I can certify it in failure we can't bypass that <br /> process." <br /> Mr. Doherty stated, "I would like a clause added to the habitable space affidavit <br /> that states the property will not be utilized as rental property." x <br /> Board members agreed. <br /> Mr. Cram motioned to reconsider the vote taken to grant a 2 ' wetlands variance <br /> and the installation of a Title V system without a denitrifying leaching facility no second <br /> was motioned, motion failed. <br /> 7. Proposed alternative system, 7 Chickadee load - lir. McQuaid relayed, "The <br /> Burd previously approved plans in April of 1994." "Time had elapsed and the property <br /> was re-perked." "It does meet Title V requirements." `The applicant is requestmo g the <br /> Board approve the installation of a Bcofm Bio fere denitrification leaching facility." <br /> Mr. Doherty motioned to grant the installation of a Bcofm Bi fere denitrifying <br /> leaching facility, Mr. Crain seconded, all agreed. <br /> 18.) Variance request, 18 Huron Avenue - b&. McQuaid stated, "The applicant is <br /> requesting a ' Deal variance from the proposed on-site leaching facility to abutting well <br /> #14 Huron Avenue) and a ' local variance from the proposed on-site leaching facility to <br /> abutting well #21 Huron Avenue)." <br />