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Page 2 . 3/5/8 <br /> Stere Lubel , contractor for the Sanitary Landfill , appeared <br /> before the Board of Selectmen to ask if it would be possible <br /> to .swap stock for the Dassbook that is being held in lieu of <br /> erformance bond for his work at the Landfill. He was told <br /> it would be necessary to greet with Town Counsel on his request. <br /> After research the contract, Town Counsel felt there would be <br /> no objection, depending on the find of stock that was offered. <br /> It would have to be "Blue hip" stook that would not be subject <br /> to great flucuation, and- it would be necessary for someone in <br /> the Selectmen ' s Office to monitor the stock' s standing- on a <br /> regular basis .. Mr. Lube l was told to spear to his broker to <br /> determine which stocks would qualify, and have his father assign <br /> the stock to him. <br /> The Chairman of the Finance Committee, Nancy Blakeman, raised some <br /> questions about the present employee retirement plan. she in- <br /> quired as to the feasibility of the Town instituting it' s own <br /> retirement system, as opposed to the present County system, which <br /> seemed to contain some inequities . Chairman o 1,Connell explained <br /> how the present County system works,, and that the apparent inequities <br /> had logical explanations . He pointed out that it wouldn' t be <br /> possible, nor practical, for a Town with the number of employees <br /> that Mashpee has , to ins it to it' s own nlan, as it could not build <br /> up a fund large enough to earn the necessary return. <br /> There being no further business to come before the Board, the <br /> meeting adjourned at 4 : 30 . <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Grace Erdman, <br /> Secretary, Pro test <br />