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5/28/1980 BOARD OF SELECTMEN Minutes
5/28/1980 BOARD OF SELECTMEN Minutes
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IP Page <br /> question from Floor <br /> Don Blakeman commented that he heard that New Seabury had <br /> quite a party for their supporters after the election. Ir. Benway said,, <br /> no, he would describe it as more of a public relations effort - there <br /> was a party on the beach, and people on both sides of the question had <br /> been invited - including all the Selectmen. <br /> . Mr. Blakeman had a question regarding the authority of the <br /> Planning Board in approving subdivisions . Who owns the 101- required <br /> strip left on each side of the 20 1- road Mr. Benway stated it depends <br /> on what use is being made of 1t, ,whe Cher there is encroachment* lir o <br /> Blakeman stated there are people putting up stockade fences on that <br /> portion in his 'suhd ivi s i on, within 21 of the road, which creates a <br /> safety hazard. Who has .control over these people? Mr. Benway res- <br /> pondkd that this would appear to be .a 'civil case . The Town - does not <br /> own the land in question, so he doesn't . think the town has a' legal <br /> pos .tion.m '1t would seem, the land would belong to the landowner of re- <br /> cord -himself, in this case . Nancy Blakeman late ected if the 'down <br /> requires the 401 right-of-way, the Town should back, up the developer. <br /> Mr. Benway suggested Mr. Blakeman ask the Planning Board to contact <br /> Joseph Reardon, 'down Counsel , for an answer. . . Blakeman stated that <br /> some New Seabury residents have pd lanted pine trees that are as high a <br /> to ' in that kind of strip. Sel . Garland stated that they g are being cut <br /> down as money becomes available . He agreed with Mr .- Benway that this <br /> is a Planning Board problem. <br /> Charles Buckingham reported there had been no meeting of the <br /> . Water Advisory Board, as not enough members showed up to convene a <br /> meeting. 1t is being rescheduled for June 25, and he feels it is an <br /> important meeting, and Dopes some of the Selectmen will attend. Mr. <br /> Buckingham raised two questions having a bearing qn the, water situation: <br /> 1 there is too much nitrate being used by the golf course ; 2) the pro-- <br /> -posal of more condominiums being built. <br /> Mr. Garland roved the meeting be adjourned, seconded, so voted, <br /> at 3:10. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Grace Erdman, Secretary <br />
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