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r <br /> r <br /> s <br /> v <br /> the building and mentioned that as things begin to progress, <br /> perhaps fund rai e r , _ . tc. , could- take care of the 'things <br /> that didn' t reed immediate 'attention., <br /> Chairman recognized Elizabeth who' stated that she- 'hard contacted <br /> Captain Sherman, Public Relations-Office at Otis as ,to <br /> band concert around the'. 7th of September. He -as mu- ch' 'as <br /> committed the Otis band and although -we 'could not' ch rge for <br /> admission, we could ask for donation's, sell h t' dogs, corn, <br /> etc& <br /> chuckie said. that it had been suggested of hdving a Community <br /> Day whereby the public could. come 'in and see' -what has be' <br /> done, possibly giving donations, time,' material.,. e c. <br /> Chuckle stated that the Committee was meeting- this weed to <br /> come up with the -figures needed and some fund raisers - trying <br /> to stay away from spending the ' 'own' s money., <br /> Chairman stated that he would like,' if the Board concurs , to <br /> get the input of the Finance Committee'- and th h. we 'Will talk <br /> to Burley. If they give us the' . gree'n' , light, we 'can- ge-E the <br /> paint in storage., I do ,think, - as Sele tman Garland suggested;. <br /> that we need to get a handle ' n all th- . 'cost -tht--acre going <br /> to take place in getting that building ship-shpe .- <br /> Muckle stated that the Committee' -was meting -arid hopefully, <br /> he could come in with some figures'. <br /> Selectman Thomas informed that we have 'had an of-fen of some <br /> kitchen equipment, and ars- electrician stopped by offering to <br /> do the wiring. No charge. <br /> Chuckle stated that -in order to- do further construction, they <br /> would need electric .power- - back. to funds. Chairman asked <br /> how much funds. Chuckle stated for a hook-up. <br /> Selectman Garland asked about the insurance - status. Selectman <br /> Thomas stated she had talked with -the' .insurance . company and told. <br /> thea that the Dog. Officer had been relocated-. - The' building .is <br /> still under insurance; I told- them what we .were -planning to do. <br /> He will get back to us but presently, .it is still covered. <br /> Chuckle asked the Press if they woul l . give s e� recognition <br /> to the pople that showed up. for the community Clean-up Day. <br /> Press responded favorably. <br /> Chairman stated that we would like to -give permission to go <br /> ahead, but can' t for obvious reasons. He stated, that we <br /> would try to get money for the' paint with the 'cooperation of <br /> the roar ce Committee and then with 'Burleys Greene. . <br /> Chairman an recognized Mr. Blakeman who stated that the electricity <br /> was a must, and behind that is water. This is necessary for the <br /> work to go on, Chairman steed that we .were . going to ter but <br /> warts to get Finance Committe and a couple of others beh'incl us. <br /> i3- <br /> I <br />