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DRAFT Copy <br /> Page 2. <br /> • <br /> -ARTICLE 7 To see if the Town will vote to transfer from available funds <br /> the surra. of $199, 72 to the BOARD OF ASSE8SORS Clerical Salaries Account, <br /> or take any other action thereon. <br /> SUBMITTED,N.BYT'B ARD OF ASSESSORS <br /> ARTICLE 8 To see if the Town -will voce to transfer -from the Tax Col- <br /> lector' s Clerical Salaries account the um-� -of $150. 00 to be applied to the <br /> Assistant' s Salary account, or take any other action thereon. <br /> SUBMITTED BY THE BOARD OF ASSESSORS <br /> ARTICLE 9 To see if the Town will vote to transfer from the Assistant <br /> Town Accountant' s, Salary Account the sure of $X75 . 0 to be applied to the <br /> Town Accountant' s Salary Ae ount. <br /> SUBMITTED BY THE TOWN ACCOUNTANT <br /> ARTICLE 10 To see if the Town will vote to transfer from available funds <br /> the sure of $225 . 00, to be applied to the Elections and Registrations Wae <br /> Account, or take any other action thereon. <br /> SUBMITTED BY THE BOARD OF REGISTRARS <br /> ARTICLE 11 To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or trans- <br /> fer from available funds the sura of $3,500 to renovate the existing toilets <br /> at Mashpee Pond. <br /> SUBMITTED BY THE RECREATION DIRECTOR <br /> ARTICLE 12 To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or trans- <br /> fer from avail ble funds the sun of $1, 000. 00 to be used as a budget to <br /> form a committee to oversee our beaches , which will be called "The Mashpee <br /> BeachCommittee" <br /> SUBMITTED BY RECREATION DIRECTOR <br /> ARTICLE 13 To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or trans- <br /> fer from available funds a sum of money to be used as a ,salary for the <br /> purpose of a salary for the B aoh-.�C6mmit oe:-.__. .° ' <br /> SUBMITTED BY THE RECREATION DIRECTOR <br /> ARTICLE 14 To see if the Town will vote' to raise and appropriate or trans- <br /> fer from available funds the sum of $7, 000. 00 to be used to purchase a small <br /> four cylinder pick-up truer for the use of the Park, Beach & Recreation De- <br /> partments. <br /> SUBMITTED BY THE RECREATION DIRECTOR <br /> ARTICLE 15 To see if the Town will vote to transfer from available' funds <br /> the sure of $1, 700. 00 to be applied to the Personnel Board Expense Account <br /> to cover the following unpaid bill for fiscal year ending June 30, 1981: <br /> ' John H. Lewis , M.D. <br /> SUBMITTED BY THE PERSONNEL BOARD <br />