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02/02/1983 BOARD OF SELECTMEN Minutes
02/02/1983 BOARD OF SELECTMEN Minutes
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r <br /> Page 2 <br /> -.,,,.1- 'ut there all day. Sel. Hanson asked hien if his position had Changed. <br /> Mt. Watson replied that it had and that he could now be here every day. <br /> Sel.. Garland asked at what point did he- make the determination to work <br /> full time. Healso asked if he had discussed this with- anyone . Mr. <br /> Watson said that he had mentioned it to the Executive Secretary and that <br /> it was steady enough that he would in more, however he stated that. the <br /> decision is up to the Board. churn. Thomas asked the Board what they would <br /> life to do. Board decided that -the Town needs a full. time Building Inspec- <br /> tor. Sel. Garland moved to request tho Executive Secretary- in conjunction <br /> with the Building Inspector to approach the Finance Committe to transfer <br /> $1, 770 . 23 from the Reserve -Fund. Seconded by Sel. Hanson. This is a <br /> vote. <br /> Board discussed the Solid Waste .Advisory committee and how Mr. Buckingham <br /> had been asked to suggest names of ,individuals to serve bn this committee. <br /> Mr. Btickingham stated- -in his memo that he would he- pleased to serge but <br /> he will not recommend individuals . Chm. Thomas said that perhaps we could <br /> advertise in the newspaper. Than she asked if anyone on the Board had <br /> any suggestions . Sel. Garland suggested Mr. Eric Jansson. Board defered <br /> this matter to February 16 , 1983 agenda, <br /> 70 Executive memo on the Revaluation was ju8t an advisory memo for the Board. <br /> . Sel. Hanson Stade mention on the article in the Business News section of <br /> the cape cod Times refering to the Assessors in Falmouth. The- article <br /> was written by Ms ., Pam Davis and he commended her for the good job. <br /> .chat. Thomas asked i .there was. any other old business . <br /> Sel. Garland said he would like an update on the "sandpit" on Route' . <br /> Sel. Garland ,was referi g to the new mall that is suppose- to he build on <br /> Route 28. S6.1., Garland would life to know where the - Board stands if. this <br /> project falls by the board, He also would like to know -what can the Board do, <br /> Sel. Garland feels it is an eye sore, a dangerous situ.ation as far as safety <br /> is concerned, and the sand washes out onto Route . . chat. Thomas said that <br /> we have a by-law that requires thea to plant something if they -don' t complete <br /> the original project.. She also stated that there has been no activity there <br /> for two or three- weeks . Sel. Garland requested Executive Secretary to mako <br /> inquiries , and ask the owners what they propose to' do . - Board suggest that <br /> the developer- cornu ire to discuss this. ch , Thomas said that if they do come <br /> in the Planning Board should be dear. <br /> Sel. Danson stated that he is very pleased with Fields Point Corporation and <br /> South cape Liquors for cooperating' with the removal of the signs . However <br /> he still would like something done with the Ti'sit buildinq on Route 28. <br /> Executive Secretary explained that a letter was seat to- the corporation .that <br /> now owns that building and we. have received no reply. Sel, Hanson charged <br /> the Executive Secretary to see what he can do about that building, Sel. <br /> Garland concurred. <br /> Board discussed the sandblasting and- refurbishing business on -Route 1510 <br /> Board also di cussed the meeting with the Planning Board and the Board of <br /> Appeals. S el . Manson also requested that the Executive Secretary notify all <br /> the Conunittees and the Shellfish officer about the inter-office meetings . <br /> Board also discussed the meeting with the Firefighters and if they should-- <br /> meet---with there again to discuss the concerns that the Board has pending. Sel. <br /> Garland asked if these pertained to union matters . chat. Thomas said no it <br />
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