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r <br /> i <br /> Page <br /> should be let go, He . said -the town is liable t a suit. <br /> se l. Hanson said that the town 'is liable for a suit from A.D. Mak e if we <br /> damage their crop. <br /> Mr, Bos hetti said 'tha-t Ma e ea has a- lis t t t r� ren �ToY�r�� Pond <br /> but they do not- have the right to raise the level 0 f the pond. sel# Hanson <br /> said that he is wrong on this -point. He also advised Mr. . Bosehetti to go to <br /> Makeeaee. <br /> Mr. Boshetti stated that Makeeee. are there illallr, and as a taxpayer he <br /> wants the darn to be opened. <br /> Chat. Garland said that he fail-s�-.t , .,see where Mr';-*--Bo ehetti thinks the issue <br /> is' revolVed around. the -fishing for herrir� . - He .'s -ted th-at.' the- fish is a <br /> robl m' t 'Some' decree- but -the, d struetion ,of the bogs could. be a subject of <br /> suit Pro'm Make eae ., Chat, Garland .asked- Mr.'' B chetti to., g'i:. e the- Hoard a few <br /> days tsatisfy themselves n these lueIstions aInd 'tine to sort' i�t all out to <br /> - <br /> I needs . Board thanked Mr��. Mrs . os het.ti. for eor'in . <br /> Diseuission followed on the fact that Makepeace still has- an agreement withthe State and a copy is on file ,stating the - rights they have.. <br /> hm. Garland stated that as lona -a_s there was time be'-fore. the next hearing <br /> the Board would consider number four under' Old Business at this time. <br /> . The appointment of a constable for -the Town of Mashee was deferred <br /> until next week.. <br /> 2: 0 p-0 . h . - Garland opened the publichearing on a- gravel- permit submitted <br /> by r. Robert Roderick,. e-cutive Secretary ex' l fined that Mr: <br /> Roderick had withdrew his application', Motioh -by Sel. Hanson, that <br /> .the applicant be allow d .to withdraw his ' .application. seconded by <br /> sel, 'ferry. Motion carried. <br /> Old. Business :' <br /> 1. ) chat. GarlAnd listed all the letters received Aga inst the application <br /> f Mr. David Yacuzzo for a .wine and maltlicense for the: .Cafe and Raw <br /> Bar at the Marketpl'a'ce. He also . listed -:those in favor.. ' He. asked if' <br /> anyone v►anted to speak -on this, Mr,. Curtis Woodbury said that he- is <br /> still opposed. Exe'cutiv'e' Secretary- e plaine:d that where the public <br /> hearing had not been continue' d= last''week no one had -a .right -t -speak on <br /> the natter it was ,+Wore for the -Selectmen' - t reach a decision, Selectmen <br /> looked at pictures and new ,plains that,, had been zub hitt d ,hv iri -i. viva r <br /> fences . sel. Terry moved to approve the li ens. with' the proviso made <br /> in terns of 'page three -of f n in and -upon the 'completion ac-cording -to <br /> plans and' 'the inspection by all the necessary town in'spectors. Seconded <br /> by Sel, Hanson. Motion carried... <br /> 2: 45 p.m. Chin. Garland opened the continuation .of the public hearing on <br /> Mr. Richard Cook 's shellfish grant.' Mr. Cook gave the Board the <br /> rece-ipt from the letters sent to the abutters , Board received <br /> letter fromthe State relative to their survey -stating no adverse <br /> effect ,to the Tow'n' . Mr. Robert Courtemanche, Shellfish warde'n', <br /> said that he would coo alone with the grant except' for one 'exetio'n. <br /> He stated that there - is a creek that rums al ong the border of the <br /> 1 <br />