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} <br /> Y <br /> {k <br /> NEW BUSINESS continued <br /> 3. Fine Chief brought to the attention of the Bard the conflicting views <br /> between the Building Inspector and himself relative to enforcement of Mate <br /> and Genera. Lawg regarding fire alarm systems. <br /> APPOINTMENTS & I ARI NGS <br /> 7: . - Police Chief Curtis Frye and Mr. ,Twitchell of Augat's were in to <br /> discuss traffic difficulties the employees of at#s are having when exiting <br /> the parking lot at 4:30. <br /> Chief Frye recommends that the Board appoint a special police officer with <br /> limited police powers who will be under the control of Chi6f Frere. <br /> W. T�dtchell pointed out that he is prepared to. put this person on Augat s <br /> payroll. <br /> Selectman Thomas motioned to approve the request for a special police officer <br /> pending review by T wn Gun el. Selectman Hanson seconded. <br /> 7:30 - Mr. presented a petition to the Board for an article to <br /> appear on the warrant of -the December special town meeting. <br /> Said petition was to amend the Mashpee zoning bar-laws by adding a new <br /> section for the protection of areas of critical environn-e.ntal concern, <br /> Mr. Overholtz explained that this could be used as a management tool by the <br /> Conservation co i <br />