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Page 2. <br /> •OLD BUSINESS CONTINUED: <br /> 1. ) available to compete with the liquor warehouse across the street. <br /> He said he sees it more as a convenience, specialty store. <br /> Sel. Hanson asked if he had applied for a license in other towns . <br /> Mr. Burton said he had not. He said he had looked at other stores <br /> but it was not feasible, and he is not interested in the full license. <br /> Mr. Burton was informed that. as where the Selectmen could take no <br /> action he could seek redress from the Alcoholic Beverages Control <br /> Commission. Board' s vote was Sel. Terry in favor. Selectman Hanson <br /> abstained and Chairman Garland could not second the motion as he felt <br /> this was not to the best interest of the town. Mr. Burton thanked <br /> the Board for their consideration. <br /> 2 .) on the memorandum from the Town Clerk regarding Mr. Edgerly' s <br /> resignation, Executive Secretary stated that where the resignation <br /> would not be effective until May 11, 1984 this would not be on the <br /> ballot. He explained that one month after the election the Selectmen <br /> and the School Committee would have to meet to appoint someone to <br /> finish the one year unexpired term. <br /> 3. ) On the memo from the Executive Secretary regarding the leaded <br /> gasoline at the Getty station on Route 28 and the fact that they <br /> • will not have regular leaded gasoline .as of April 1 , 1984 the <br /> Board referred this matter to Town Counsel. <br /> Chm. Garland asked if there was any other old business. <br /> Sel. Hanson referred to the recording machine and asked Mr. Murphy to <br /> have it repaired or to buy a new one. Mr. Murphy said that he would <br /> speak to the supplier. <br /> NEW BUSINESS <br /> 1. ) On the letter from Mrs. Virginia Landry requesting that the Popponesset <br /> Beach Association be made custodians of the Popponesset Beach until <br /> they can decide what the Association would like to do as the town <br /> has taken it over for taxes, the Board decided to refer this matter <br /> to Town Counsel . <br /> 2. Executive Secretary, Joseph Murphy said the next item was just for <br /> the Board to note that Thelma Watson the Board of Health secretary <br /> had resigned. Mr. Murphy informed the Board that the position would <br /> be filled temporarily as the Board of Health has an article for the <br /> town meeting to change that position to a full time position. Sel. <br /> Hanson inquired whether this would create problems for the Board of <br /> Health. Mr. Murphy said that he had already offered secretarial help <br /> from this office if they needed. it. <br /> Chm. Garland said that he would like to go back to old business . <br /> He stated that he would like to have one of the Selectmen continue with <br /> the well business at the fire/police complex. He said that he has been <br /> involved with this for a while and now it is a matter of sorting out the <br /> piping and that he has found out that two wells would be necessary and it <br />