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General Order <br /> SUBJECT: Firearms Guidelines Page 2 <br /> .ir police officer should avoid the unnecessary display of firearms. ..However, when <br /> responding to any potentially dangerous situation. such as a robbery, shooting <br /> incident, breaking and entering in progress, the officer should have his/her <br /> firearm in a position where it can be used speedily and effectively if necessary. <br /> When any person is injured by the use of firearms discharge, the officer's first <br /> priority is to ensure immediate medical treatment is provided the injured person. <br /> When an officer discharges his authorized firearm, Ion or off duty except during <br /> authorized firearms training, he/she shall as soon as possible: <br /> 1. Notify the Watch Commander on duty. <br /> 2. Submit a written report to the Chief of Police. <br /> The Watch Commander upon being notified of a firearms discharge shall: <br /> 1. Immediately notify the Chief of Police or Deputy Chief of Police. <br /> 2. Conduct an investigation of the discharge. <br /> 3. Submit a written report to the Deputy Chief or the Chief` of Police <br /> indicating any violations of this General Order or other Department rule or <br /> regulation. <br /> GENERAL: <br /> This General Order is intended to regulate the use of any and all police <br /> firearms including service revolvers and shotguns. This General Order will <br /> apply when an "Off Duty" officer uses his firearm to perform a valid law <br /> enforcement purpose or when department-owned firearms are involved. <br /> The use of .a firearm is .the ultimate of force a police officer may apply <br /> and the decision to use a firearm, in the performance of his/her duties, is the <br /> most critical judgement a police officer is called upon to make. <br /> No set of guidelines for the use of firearms can possibly cover every situation. <br /> Every officer is expected to respond to all situations decisively with the highest <br /> level of good judgment and professional competence. _. <br /> BY AUTHORITY OF: <br /> CCURTISl. .lG�IC� <br /> fit. F E <br /> Chief of Police <br />