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A. <br /> 461 <br /> BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING <br /> APB 2 . 1986 <br /> REGULAR MEETING <br /> Members Present : Richard L. Terry, B . Jean Th mas , Willard L. <br /> Hanson, Executive Secretary Joseph F. Murphy <br /> The meeting was called to order at 79.00 p.m. by the Chairman. <br /> A.ppointments <br /> 7 oo - The Board continued with the hearing on the razing of the <br /> Mon'iz building. Building Inspector Doug Boyd had informed Mr . <br /> Murphy today that the building was secured to his satisfaction <br /> and doesn 't e to be a. na and. Anne Tanney ill, Chairman <br /> of the Historical Commission, said her Commission has done a - <br /> lot of research into the building but it can't be declared <br /> historical building as it isn't loo years old, Mrs . DeBrousse <br /> arrived and said the family would like to remodel or renovate <br /> Y the building but -needs more time . Selectman Terry asked her . <br /> to get together with the Historical Commission to discuss it <br /> and the Selectmen agreed to give her another 90 days for an <br /> update ,, <br /> Old Business <br /> 1 The Board reviewed a. memo from Executive Secretary regarding <br /> tentative dates for a fall. special {town meeting to deal with <br /> the proposed water district , It was agreed to proceed with <br /> the article preserptly on the Ma special t own meeting . No date <br /> was chosen for a fall meeting . <br /> 2 The Board reviewed a memo from the Personnel Board relative <br /> to Job Descriptions . . They will request an article for town <br /> meeting , which would have to be at the next special, for the <br /> money- to hire a consultant . The Board will meet with the Personnel <br /> Board in the next two months to discuss It further. <br /> Appointments <br /> 7e15 - The Board held a. public hearing on the application of <br /> Mashpee Convenience Store Inc . on obtaining a seasonal all- <br /> alcoholic package goods store license . President Richard C . <br /> eoine presented all necessary forms and checks and proof of <br /> notice to abuttors , <br /> Mr. Leoine said he would keep liquor behind the cash register <br /> counter and the beer and wine would be in - 81x4l coolers . <br /> Ten percent of his 1, 000 square foot stone would be designated <br /> for alcohol . Mr. Brian Anderson spoke in favor of the license . <br /> -Af to r hearing objections from Ms . Town., Ms . Praight , Mr,, Lawrencet <br /> Dr. Petty, Mr. Barr, Mr. F igirid , Mr. Croft , Ms . Landry and <br /> Mr. Okian, Mr. Leo ine withdrew his applicat ion. <br /> 7 :30 - Mr. Halpern, who recently purchased the Wig W m Motel <br /> From Mr. Kitchell., came before the Board to request a transfer <br /> f the license , He presented proof f notification to auttor . <br /> He said he planned on doing some renovating and was considering <br /> restaurant there , He expined Cape Cod Convention Center <br /> was just a corporation he formed in 1980 and he had no intention <br /> f turning t e otel into a convention center. Mr. Ferguson and <br /> Mr. Mills spoke in favor of the transfer. <br />