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[Agenda topic 3] Ramp.Repair Update <br /> Discussion: Don MacDonald reported that there was no new information on the ramp repair. He had not <br /> heard back from the harbormaster by meeting time. <br /> Conclusion: No new information is available. <br /> [Agenda topic 4] Mashpee Fresh Wfer,Qiialrty <br /> Monitoring <br /> Discussion: Mike reported that the 2017 fresh water data was not yet available from Ashley in Natural <br /> Resources. Barbara believes it was August before the previous year's data was made available by SMass <br /> in Dartmouth. <br /> Conclusions: There is no new information available. <br /> [Agenda topic 51 Swan/Bass Boat Irierdent <br /> Discussion: According to an article in the Cape Cod Times on June 14t", the swan run down by a bass boat <br /> on May 12`h was brought to Cape Wildlife Center in Barnstable on June Ist with multiple fractures. It was <br /> necessary to euthanize the bird a few days later. Mashpee Police Chief Scott Carline said the police have <br /> cleared all fisherman associated with the Fall River bass group who had a tournament that day, and the <br /> perpetrator remains unknown., <br /> Conclusions: The owner of the black bass boat that fatally injured the swan remains unknown. <br /> The meeting was adjourned at 7:57 P.M. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Barbara B. Nichols <br />