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Ddogvc 21, 2013 <br /> The meeting was called to order at 9:25 by Barbara. <br /> Those in attendance: Barbara, Bruce, Katy, Lynne, Madeline and Sarah <br /> Lynne made a motion to approve the minutes from the September 23rd meeting. <br /> Katy seconded the motion and the minutes were approved. <br /> Bruce reported that we have $4633.36 to disperse this year. It includes the <br /> $4250.00 we have been allocated from the state, the $370.00 not used by the Girl <br /> Scouts last year and interest. <br /> Barbara made a motion to keep $200.00 for a Community Outreach event in <br /> Spring 2014. Motion was seconded by Sarah and approved. <br /> That leaves us with $4433.3b for gram applicants. <br /> Barbara and Bruce reviewed the grant guidelines for funding projects, including <br /> things that make a request ineligible. Grant requests were distributed, along with <br /> spreadsheets to use when reviewing grant requests. Members were encouraged to <br /> review grants with an open mind, look for diverse projects and projects that benefit <br /> the community. Take notes while reviewing for discussion at our next meeting. <br /> We will meet again on Monday, October 28th at 9:15 to begin the approval process. <br /> The meeting was adjourned at 10:15. <br /> Submitted by <br /> Sarah Daley <br />