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• Selectperson Mills further`moved-torinstruct the Treasurer to borrow on a short-term <br /> basis only the money needed, and that the permanent bonding would only be for the <br /> amount expended for the project. <br /> 6. Selectperson Caffyn raised the issue of agenda items not having all backup <br /> information, and departments involved not being advised of the issue being on the <br /> agenda so the parties involved can be prepared. <br /> Selectmen agreed that if all information is not included, and parties involved are not <br /> notified the issue will not be addressed. <br /> The Board directed Joyce Mason to send a memo to the Executive Secretary advising <br /> him of this decision and to copy herself on the memo. <br /> 7. Selectmen asked to schedule budget and warrant review for next Thursday morning <br /> from 8-9. <br /> 8. Selectperson Mills expressed concern over the mail not getting copied, as she has not <br /> seen the letter from Joan Avant Tavares,expressing interest in serving on the <br /> Planning Board, which she new came into the Selectmen's Office on Monday. <br /> 9. Selectmen asked to make sure that all applications for the Planning Board vacancies <br /> are forwarded to the Planning Board, and that interviews be scheduled with the <br /> applicants for the March 23rd meeting of Selectmen and further to have the Planning <br /> Board present to make a joint appointment after the interviews. <br /> • 10. Mr. Osborne from the Council on Aging spoke with the Board regarding space for <br /> the Council on Aging staff during construction. <br /> Selectperson Jacobson asked Joyce Mason to see if she or Mr. Harrington could <br /> contact Mr. Borasso at the Housing for Elderly complex to discuss the possibility of <br /> using space for the Council on Aging staff during construction. <br /> 11. Selectperson Jacobson asked for a status report relative to the contract for general <br /> contractor services for the Senior Center addition. <br /> Ms. Mason advised Selectmen of the status. <br /> 12. Selectperson Jacobson addressed the need for an ADA Coordinator. <br /> Selectmen directed Joyce Mason to circulate a memo seeking anyone interested in <br /> serving in this capacity. <br /> 13. Selectperson Caffyn moved to appoint Louis Mendes to the Handicap Committee. <br /> Selectman Vaccaro seconded the motion. All present were in favor. (40 Vote) <br />