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BOARD OF SELECTMEN Page 9 <br />MINUTES <br />NDA, APRIL 12 r 13 <br />Approval and Execution of Town Meetinq Warrants: <br />School: Personnel and Benefits <br />Mr. W ri enour indicated that an additional article for new <br />school positions is not required as per Town Counsel's <br />interpretation. The new school positions include; a half time <br />adjustment counselor, custodian, secretary and the change of a <br />first grade teacher to become a fourth grade teacher. <br />Selectman Caffyn related concern to her request made several <br />months ago -o Dr, IeMoura and Mr. Whieour to include are <br />article for the new positions in the Town Warrant, <br />As clearly stated by the Town bylaw, an article should be <br />submitted for Town Meeting approval when there is a proposal to <br />create a new position. The amount for niaw employee's including <br />benefits should be stated in the article informed Selectman <br />ca f fy . <br />9:39 p,m, selectman Mills left the meeting. <br />The Town and School Department should be consi8tent and <br />follow the bylaw regulations informed selectman Caffyne <br />**The motion was made by Selectman Costa to place an Article <br />on the May Town Meeting Warrant for a sum of money to create the <br />new positions as proposed by the School Department to include <br />benefits. The motion was seconded by selectman caffyn . VOTE <br />Unanimous. 2-0. <br />9 : 2 p'. art . Selectman Mills returned, <br />Article Early Retirement Incentive: <br />Mr. Whritenour indicated that the maximum amount of <br />employee's eligible for early retirement incentive with <br />creditable- service is fourteen. It .was noted that seven <br />employee's are eligible with twenty -years or more of creditable <br />service to the Town. <br />*The Motion was made by selectman costa to limit the number <br />of eligible employees to the top eligible Town employee's for <br />participation in the Early Retirement Incentive Program. The <br />motion was seconded by Selectman Mills. VOTE: unanimous. 3-0. <br />0 <br />