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7/12/1993 BOARD OF SELECTMEN Minutes
7/12/1993 BOARD OF SELECTMEN Minutes
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4 <br />BOARD of SELECTMEN Page 9 <br />MINUTES <br />MONDAY, JULY 12, 199 <br />Correspondence from Town Counsel re: Grievance: <br />Selectman affyn : We also have even what Jinn Vaccaro i <br />proposing, and that is a proper procedure that goes through an <br />evaluation. You sit down with the employee, you discuss what <br />they are evaluating. You give input to every single Selectman to <br />give that input to Bob privately, so that he can evaluate that <br />with the person. <br />Selectman offyn: Those elements were not dome. They were <br />not done. That doesn't have anything to do with Christine's <br />evaluation, That has to do with process that exists. We also <br />have a probationary employee report that the Personnel Board said <br />please return no later than June 1, 1993. That should have been <br />dome the first part of Tune where we all participated. <br />Selectman affyn: That has nothing to do with what is <br />written. That has to do with procedure. That has to do that we <br />have a paper that wasn't sent back to the Personnel Board and I <br />have a feeling that we have two of our personnel members that <br />have resigned this past week because of it. <br />Selectman affyn: They would then in the probationary <br />process, once this evaluation was done they would go back to the <br />Personnel Board and the Personnel Board votes whether an employee <br />4Dstays on. What the Selectmen have chosen to do is to take a <br />probationary period and the appointment period and pull them <br />together and frankly ignore all procedures. <br />Selectman affyn: And this again, has nothing to do with <br />what is written in policy and I think what we have done is <br />procedure. I would like to be on that committee with Judy. I <br />feel that I have a right to he on tit. I voted for support and I <br />would like to be on the committee, I would like to evaluate what <br />has. been done* And , I happen -to think that a lot of procedures <br />were dome incorrectly, however, maybe e not unlawfully, but our <br />policy was not followed,.' <br />Selectman of fyn : I think we would of had input and we <br />should have had input. <br />Nis. Hyde -Reed: One last comment please. The last comment <br />was, from 1985 when I was chosen to .be on the Council on Aging, <br />the procedure has always been, Mr. Whritenour, I would like you <br />to know this, seven members of that board, fill out an appraisal <br />of that employee, an evaluation if you may. When I was chairman, <br />I then waited on a computer and got the median of that and that <br />is what we put on that. <br />0 <br />
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