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4L <br />'MM=S <br />BOARD OF SELECTMEN <br />MONDAY, MAY 311993 <br />Present: Selectmen C:af yn, Vaccaro, Mills, Jacobson and Costa, and Executive Secretary <br />Robert L. whritenour, Jr. <br />Meeting was called to order at :32 p.m. <br />Being no public discussion the Board moved onto meeting with the moderator <br />George Benway who reviewed strategy with respect to holding Town Meeting. <br />Being no further regular business Selectman Costa moved to go into executive session at <br />p.r.or the purpose of reviewing litigation strategy. Selectman Jacobson second the <br />notion. A roll call vote was taken with the results as follows: <br />Carol Jacobson - Yes <br />George Costa - Yes <br />James V cc ro - Yes <br />Judy lulls - Yes <br />Nancy Caffyn - Yes <br />The Board voted to meet on Thursday at 7:00 p.m. for the purpose of discussing this issue <br />further. Results of the vote are as follows; <br />Judy lulls - Yes <br />James vaccaro - Yes <br />Carol Jacobson - Yes <br />George Costa - Abstain <br />Nancy Caffyn - No <br />Being no further business for executive session the Board adjourned at 7:20 p.m. <br />t this time the School C:onmfittee and Superintendent of Schools entered the meeting <br />requesting support of the Selectments recommendation for the school budget. Also, <br />request was made to indefinitely postpone Article 5 of the Annual Town Meting. <br />ResZZ; <br />pectfully S b 'tied, <br />Robert L. ritenour, Jr. <br />Executive Secretary <br />0 <br />