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F <br />8/18/93 <br />ti <br />To: Selectman/inoom <br />FROM: Roger Dunivan, Member Fincom. <br />OJT: October Ton Meeting Warrant. r <br />n recievl g a copy of the -first draft noted above - <br />feel it necessary to express my extreme -dissatisfaction <br />with the way thl s . October Town Meeting is -evolving. <br />Last year I expressed my opinion at - a fincom meeting <br />that the October warrant would become are attempt to override <br />the budget review prQcess normally completed in Mai . ' Th i s <br />prophecy has come to pas:1 <br />e first must review the, original intent of -the October <br />Warrant, which, I understood to -be. as follows: <br />monetary trans; or transfers within adept. or between <br />depts.' of a like amount. <br />-- personnel moves and, -appointments requiring. town meeting <br />approval. <br />-- amend articles -or town by- laws. etc .. <br />approve. land takings, road" takings or dlsontinuances. <br />What has actually- happened is- that town dep s and committees, <br />have} .ound , that based ' on their success last year,. they can . <br />lobby the -Selectmen to get those items -on the warrant that they <br />would not get through the normal budget review process. <br />This- is,WRONG and should stop immediately. <br />The cecutive. Sec. with the approval of the Selectmen <br />should have instructed each Dept, that only the above noted <br />items -would be considered for inclusion In the Warant!l <br />review of the preliminary warrant shows a total .amount �. <br />of $ 31514F468 dollars and that is only for those items where <br />a clear dollar -amount could be identified. <br />n summary the intent of our October warrant rust-. be made <br />clear to all parties. The argument that -town gov.cannot <br />function well between budget periods is faulty- thinking. The <br />in om emergency fund should he large enough o coven a <br />Crisis Management". <br />The Finance committee feels that the monetary items should <br />all be deleted where they were requested by depts. and those <br />.depts, directed to appear b re Fincom. discuss t needs. <br />We trust you agree, } <br />1 'I R' r� Roger Dun v <br />