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Draft #3- 9/3/93 <br />Town of MashQee <br />Annual Town Meeting <br />Barnsmble, ss: <br />To the "Constables of the Town, <br />n the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby directed to notify and <br />sum n the inhabitants of the Town of Mashpee who are quadfie to vote in the elections to meet <br />at the Mashpee Middle School on Monday, the 4th day of October, 1993 at 7:3 . . for the <br />following purposes: <br />To act on the articles contained ire the following "warrant: *: . <br />Article 1: *Approved BOS/F <br />To see if .the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, borrow ortransfer Revenue <br />Available for Appropriation a sum of money to the Police Salary/Wage Account to fund a contract <br />between the Town and International Brotherhood of Police officers Local 389, Unit A for the <br />period beginning July 1, 1992, or take any other action relating thereto _ <br />Submitted by the Board of Selectmen <br />Article :' *Approved B S/ F <br />T see 1 the Town ill vote to raise and appropriate, barrow or transfer from Revenue, <br />Available for Appropriation a sung of money to the police Salary/Wage Account to fund a contract <br />between the Town and International Brotherhood of Police officers (Local 3 89, Unit B) for the <br />period being July 1, 1992, or take any other- action reiating thereto <br />Submitted by the Board of Selec=en <br />Article3. *Approved B S/F <br />To see if the Town Will vote to raise and appropxiate, borrow or transfer from Revenue <br />Available for Appropriation .a sum of money to the Cleric Sr/Wage Account to fund a contract <br />between the Town and Service -Employees International Union, Local 254, (Clerical Unit) for the <br />period be ng July 1, 1992, or take any other action relating thereto <br />_., <br />Submitted by the Board of S lec=en <br />Article 4: *Approved B O S / F <br />a. <br />To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, borrow or transfer from Revenue <br />Available for Appropriation a sum of money to the Dow Salary/Wage Account to fund a contract <br />between the Town and Service Employees International Union, Local 254 (DPW Unit) for the <br />